Thursday, July 23, 2009

Taking Off a Little While

Our next local Preachers Meeting will be in August. We will rest a little and regroup then. In the mean time, I will periodically put some posts on various topics here.

Have a great summer.

Friday, July 17, 2009

On Our Way Home

This is late Friday night, July 17. I am able to hook up in our motel room.

We had a great couple of weeks (9 days of church services and teaching seminars). About 20 people (probably more) made professions of faith in Christ this week! It is great to see people recognize their need of Christ and come to Him.

I guess this is the last week of this course, ending on Monday. I will try to catch up emailing your previous grades before then.

I heard that Roger acknowledged his call to preach at Unity last Wednesday night. Praise the Lord!

We will probably be home tomorrow afternoon. Lot's of catcvhing up to do. Hope you all are doing well.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Several Services

Hi, Guys,

We have had three services at Pastor Antonio's church. (Bro. Roger, you will remember Pastor Antonio as being the head of the orphange we visited that had the banana tree in the front yard.)

Last night, we had our first service at Pastor Jose's church. (Bro. Roger, he was the pastor (under Bro. Carlos) of the church where we had the service in the open air. His church is now where Pastor Carlos' used to be.)

There were six salvations or decisions for Christ last night, with many more coming for prayer. In all, we estimate about ten salvations, or at least decisions that appeard to be salvations, on this trip.

Hope things are going well.

Tomorrow is when I start the first of three days of seminars for pastors. I may not be able to get back online until Thursday or Friday. I may not even to get to read all your posts today. I hope you are discussing among yourselves and finding the posting areas O.K.

Catch you later!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Church Service

We had our first service last night at Pastor Antonio Ramirez' church in Acuna, Mexico. Bro. Roger did a good job of preaching with a new interpreter. He spoke on the subject of "Who Jesus Is." We prayed with serveral Christians for various needs after the service. Pray for tonight's service.

We had probably between 55 and 60 there. The building, like many down here, had no air condintioning, and I'm sure the temperature earlier in the day had been over 100 degrees! We took bottled water in with us, and we all seem to be doing O.K. today.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Del Rio

We have made it to Del Rio, TX.

We will have our first church service here tonight. Be praying for Roger Odom, who will be bringing the message. I got on at the library in town. Keep conversing with each other, and I will check in when I can.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sulphur Springs

We made it to Sulphur Springs, TX, today. Tomorrow, we should make it to Del Rio, TX, and the rest of the time we will be crossing the border quite a bit to minister in Acuna, Mexico. We will be involved in revival/evangelistic meetings at three different churches, and we will have a seminar for pastors while we are there.

I hope things are going well for all of you.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Scroll Down

I have put up posting areas for the next two weeks. Scroll down to find the appropriate places to put your posts, depending on what date you are posting.

Have a great finish to the course. I will touch base with you when, or if, I can.

Course 8 Week 8 Course Wrap Up

Anytime during July 14-20, place your course wrap up, which is worth 4 points, in the comments section below.

Anwer these questions:
1. What was your book or course about as a whole? Try to state what it was about in one comeplete sentence (or at least a short paragraph if you cannot do one sentence.)

2. What were the major parts of the course? Tell what the themes of major sections of the book were.

3. What were some of the important words in the book? List at least three. Without looking at a dictionary. Tell what you thought they meant when you first read them. Optional: Tell what they seem to mean as the author uses them. Then (not optional) look them up in a dictionary and tell which dictionary meaning seemed to be closest to what your guess was as to what the word meant.

4. Evaluate the book according to its practical application. Tell how this book has helped you in your ministry, or how you think it may help you in your future ministry. If you don't think it will help, tell why you think that.

Course 8 Week 8 Main Posting Area

You may place your first question here anytime on July 14-16.
You may place your answers to questions as well as your other regular posts here anytime on July 14-20.

Course 8 Week 8 Initial Posts

You may place your first two posts for week 9 here anytime on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 14 and 15.

Course 8 Week 7 Main Posting Area

Besides your first two posts, please place your first question here anytime on July 7-9. You may also place your answers to those questions as well as the rest of your regular posts any time during July 7-13.

Course 8 Week 7 Initial Posts

Please place your initial posts for week 7 here on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 7th and 8th.

Posting areas

I am going to put up the next two sets of posting areas. I will be in Mexico the next two weeks, so I am not sur how often I will be able to get online, if at all.

Stever Arnold and I will be accompanying Roger Odom of the Many Hands of Christ mission ministry. We will be involved in revival meetings at three different churches and a seminar for Pastors.

You all know what to do, so discuss your materials among yourselves.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Handling Crises

Roger's book spoke of many men of God who handled crises in their lives in such a way that those crises drew them closer to God. (Please understand that they may not have always handled all of them well, but at least some of the crises in thier lives were handled well by them in such a way that they were drawn closer to the Lord.)

Can you think of a time in your life when a crisis brought your closer to God?