Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hello and Welcome to the Preachers' Meeting

Glad you have dropped by.
This site is set up for a group of preachers in southern Illinois who are embarking upon an exciting new experience. We have access to courses on DVD from our denominational Bible college. This blog is designed to give encouragement and to allow the participants to interact with others who are working on similar studies.

Ideally, we would all be working on the same course, but that is not possible at present. This perceived disadvantage, however, might turn out to be a real blessing. It will allow us to deal with a much broader range of issues than those represented just in the individual courses. The postings, therefore, will represent a wide range of ministry issues.

Experimentally, we will even invite those of you who have just happened upon this site to join us.
We do ask that you pick a Christian book that deals with issues in ministry, and then post comments about the book as you go through it.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

This is where you would post your comment

Tyler Owens said...

Praise the Lord! This has been an awesome day. I had some trouble getting started, but God is good! I went to my first preachers meeting on Tuesday night and I really enjoyed it. I got a book cale THE NEW TESTAMENT:ITS BACKGROUND AND MESSAGE. This book has been difficult to put down. I have learned about the political history leading up to the time of the New Testament. It made me realize some reasons why people were so apprehensive about Jesus and also why others were desperate for Him. Well, that is the basic of the first chapter, so I won't give all the details....yet.
God bless!