Saturday, September 13, 2008

Improper Priesthood

One of the great things that came out of the Reformation was the idea of the priesthood of all believers (which comes from the Bible where it says we are a kingdom of priests). We are to fulfill some priestly (biblical--not Catholic) roles in our ministry.

Do you think that creating situations where people build dependence on us can lead to an improper role of priesthood? Knowing we are helping others often helps us feel good. Do we sometimes allow people to depend on us too much, when we could be empowering them? I had a friend who gave me this quote: "At no time will your problem become my problem. For, then you wouldn't have a problem, and (dramatic pause here) I like helping people with problems!" While that is a little humorous, our role of being able to intercede for others and helping others is proper. Creating dependence upon us instead of upon the Lord is improper. At least that's how I see it right now. How do some of you see it?


Tyler Owens said...

I really enjoyed the yearly meeting. There were some good preachers that preached. I really liked Rusty's message last night. It was good to meet some new friends and talk to some that I haven't seen in a while. I am also looking forward to our next preachers meeting. God is good!!!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler, I enjoyed the yearly meeting very much too. Here is that lengthy critique of your message that I told you I was going to put on this site:

Good Job!

That's it!
