Thursday, September 4, 2008

Relationship, Roles, and Minstries

This week, at Rockbridge Seminary, the course, The Theology and Practice of Ministry is focusing on the roles of minister as priest, slave, and steward (household manager).

When it comes to helping people discover their ministries, there must be an emphasis on relationship with Christ and personal passion. One pastor friend of one of the students made a good comment:“You can ‘serve without loving but you cannot love without serving...” This insight points to the need for relationship to shape our ministries.

Almost every ministry needs help in some areas that may not match people’s primary passion. One thing that will help when filling those needs is to describe them as “secondary ministries,” and to let people know they do not have to be locked into those positions forever. The goal is to have every Christian discover his or her primary ministry. Also, we would do well to eliminate as many programs as possible that do no match the primary ministries of people.

The “Yes, but how?” aspect of this is the challenge we face as church leaders.
In discussing our roles as priests, slaves, and managers, we will gravitate toward one of these because of the particular ways God has shaped us for ministry, but, in our desire to serve Christ, we will ask Him to make all three of these qualities known in our lives.

For a while at our church, we had unusual groupings for our Sunday School classes simply because we only had classes where the teachers felt led to teach instead of having the classes and trying to force someone into those positins.

What are some ways you help people discover their primary ministries?


sremery said...

I find it funny that your discussing this, the past few weeks I have been thinking about what my call is. In the time since I asked Jesus in my heart I have had the opportunity to do a lot of different things that would be considered ministries. (music, teach Sun school, preach, church camp, go to shut-ins and have home church) Each one has felt fulfilling to me and I hope that God was glorified in all of it. I worry at times if I'm doing this for God or for me. What I mean by that is I am drawn to do what I feel I am best at, or what I get good feedback on. I feel that right now I am still trying to figure out what i am to do. All through this time I've had periods where I cant explain what is happeneing but an exitement would build in me and peak. I feel like I'm being drawn to do something. I dont get too discouraged, the main thing to do that I see is to keep my relationship with God close and real and He'll use me. Prayer, reading His Word and fellowship is what I've found to be essential in doing this.

Pastor Kevin said...

Hey, Brother Randy. We just got on to the blog. Just want to say all ready it is neat reading all the comments. I look forward to hearing from you guys more.

Bro. Kevin McNeely

Pastor Kevin said...

Sean, I just wanted to let you know that what you do for our church is a blessing and we love to see God working in your life and ministry. Isn't it neat to be used by God for His glory!!! SHOUT SOMEBODY!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, stay tuned. We will be talking about individuals finding their own personal ministries. These are ministries for each Christian. Of course, these ideas help us who are called to preach also. Our ministry, as you have already pointed out can take many different forms. Don't worry too much about some of your ministry "things" being fun or fulfilling. We are promised that the Lord with give us the desires or our heart. This works if our attitute of submission to Him is right.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hey, Bro. Kevin,

Good to hear from you. I pray the Lord will bless you as you encourage the young men from your congregatio who have been called to preach.