Sunday, July 5, 2009

Course 8 Week 7 Main Posting Area

Besides your first two posts, please place your first question here anytime on July 7-9. You may also place your answers to those questions as well as the rest of your regular posts any time during July 7-13.


Corey G. said...

So right now my book is talking about prophets, so my question is who is your favorite Prophet? mine would have to be Elisha.

sremery said...

As far as scripture goes, I would have to say Isaiah. His book has some powerful scripture. But my favorite story is Hosea.

sremery said...

One of the discussions in Ch 19 is who Hebrews was written for. The popular belief was for the jews in Jerusalem. But some believe it could be gentiles because greek terms were used mostly in it. It used the (LXX) or septuigent which was the greek version of the OT. Do you think it was for the Jews,Gentiles, or for you?

sremery said...

The book also talks about how Hebrews focused on Christ superiority of the prophets, angels, Moses & Joshua. It uses the OT a lot to back itself up. To me, this is where I personally feel like Paul had something to do with it, because Paul used the same method.

sremery said...

Ch 20 is about the epistle of James. It discusses authorship and sways towards Jesus' half-brother as being the most likely. When I first read the Bible, this book was my favorite, or at least seemed to be the one that stuck in my head. Its very straight forward, which is what you need when you're young in the faith.

sremery said...

It also claims it was written for Jewish- Christians. It uses the term synagogue which means church and it was for the 12 tribes scattered among the nations. I defintely believe it was written for someone after they have accepted Jesus as their Savior.

sremery said...

The discussion on Ch 21 is on 1 & 2 Peter. It brings up where Peter says under the new covenant, we are "living stones" and Christ is the cornerstone. Is He who you have as your foundation?

sremery said...

In the discussion of 2nd Peter it says its the most disputed letter on authorship. It also has a great verse at the end when he says to grow in the grace & knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have this verse taped on my computer. It reminds me to ask myself if I'm growing in the Lord.

Tyler Owens said...

I would have to say that my favorite is a toss up between Elijah and Moses. Moses loved the people so much. He was really the first prophet. Elijah and the contest on Mt. Carmel is one of my favorite stories in the Old Testament.

Tyler Owens said...

The book of Hebrews is a wonderful book. I love the hall of faith chapter. This book really preaches well. Sean, does the author lean toward a particular author or does he think that it is unknown? Sorry if you have already mentioned this.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched today had a guest. His name was John Forrest and he was talking about youth ministry. Our mission is to win and disciple young people. He said to make it fun and and let the kids be kids. The health of a youth program is not measured by the number of bowling trips that they have, it is a place where the truth can be shared and young Christians can grow.

Corey G. said...

Then it talks about how the Prophets were rather modern books. It also talks about how they delt with many issues today. Like the silence of God, economic disparity injustice, war, etc.

Corey G. said...

The next section talks about how God talks back. How He answers their complaints. While defending his own.

Corey G. said...

He then explains how God feels. He explains that 'I(refering to God) fell betrayed, abandoned, jilted.' Because His love has left Him for another.(check Hosea)

Corey G. said...

As explained in my previous post, He does it by using Hosea. He shows, His love for us. And he shows his compassion

Corey G. said...

Then he exlains that they are dificult books. As well as "weird, confusing, and all sound alike". Then he explains the reasons why and how they are infact different from each other.

Corey G. said...

The next section is called, now and later. In this he seperates the prophets into categories, Now, Later, and Much Later. Now meaning, the related time, Later meaning the birth of Christ, and Much Later meaning the end times.

Corey G. said...

The next section is called Gods point of view. This section shows how God most likely sees all that happens. Like the birth of Jesus, spreading throughout the cosmos like a 'dragon whiping away stars with his tale', though I do not quite agree with him on this one.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Good job, Fellas!