Sunday, July 5, 2009

Course 8 Week 8 Course Wrap Up

Anytime during July 14-20, place your course wrap up, which is worth 4 points, in the comments section below.

Anwer these questions:
1. What was your book or course about as a whole? Try to state what it was about in one comeplete sentence (or at least a short paragraph if you cannot do one sentence.)

2. What were the major parts of the course? Tell what the themes of major sections of the book were.

3. What were some of the important words in the book? List at least three. Without looking at a dictionary. Tell what you thought they meant when you first read them. Optional: Tell what they seem to mean as the author uses them. Then (not optional) look them up in a dictionary and tell which dictionary meaning seemed to be closest to what your guess was as to what the word meant.

4. Evaluate the book according to its practical application. Tell how this book has helped you in your ministry, or how you think it may help you in your future ministry. If you don't think it will help, tell why you think that.


Tyler Owens said...

The course this time was about stratiegies for churh growth and how we can make our churces grow by way of new converts. The book that I read was divided into two parts. The first part was gathering info from the formerly unchurched, while to second part was gathering info from pastors who lead effective churches. I found three words that I did not know the meaning of.

1. engendered
guess- to cause something to
definition-to produce, cause,
or give rise to

2. nomenclature
guess- an lod-fashioned system
definition- the names or terms
comprising a set or system

3. altruistic
guess- to want to do good
definition- unselfishly
concerned for or devoted to
the welfare of others

I think that this course will be a great help to me in my ministry. It is very practitcal in its applications. It also gave me some great insights into how "unchurched" people think. It will be a help in reaching them. I also got some good ideas for growth.

sremery said...

The major themes were who authored each book of the NT, when they were wrote, the outline of each one, and the authors interpretation of the themes or purpose of each one.

The first important word was definetly Amanuensis. When they first used it they gave the definition immediately. It was when someone wrote something for somebody.
THis is the definition:Amanuensis is a French word adopted in various languages, including English, for certain persons performing a function by hand, either writing down the words of another or performing manual labour. The term is derived from a Latin expression which may be literally translated as "manual labourer".

"Q" (Quelle) I guessed it was a book used in the early writings of the NT.
Def: German word for source, It was a symbol used for the material in Matt. & Luke that was absent from Mark.

Gnosticism: I knew it was writings that werent cannonized.
Def: A religious movement that promised salvation to its followers by providing them a special form of personal knowledge.

Overall I enjoyed this book, it gives a brief but good description of each book. It goes into detail on the authorship and who they were thought to be written for. I also liked how they discussed each section of the books, like a commentary, quick and easy to read. It has given me a better understanding on who the books were written for, I might get a copy for myself for the references and use as a commentary to keep me grounded on what the verses were written for.

Corey G. said...

1. It's basically about the importance of the old testiment for growing in God.

2. From what I can remember, it was to show how the Old Testiment showed Gods love, this can be found best in, what I can remember, chapter 6.

3. This one is hard for me to do, because it didn't seem to me that there were any important words, only important statements, and thoughs I can not remember nor can I remember where they were, I can except a 0 for this question.(because I looked and tryed to pick but couldn't)

4. This book helped open my interest into the Old Testiment and has made it seem less boring, even if I don't agree with the guy 100%.