Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Handling Crises

Roger's book spoke of many men of God who handled crises in their lives in such a way that those crises drew them closer to God. (Please understand that they may not have always handled all of them well, but at least some of the crises in thier lives were handled well by them in such a way that they were drawn closer to the Lord.)

Can you think of a time in your life when a crisis brought your closer to God?

1 comment:

sremery said...

Two that always come mind first is when my younger son Josh had some sheet metal fall on him and he started having seizures, they medivaced him to St Louis. I felt helpless, probobly the most helpless I've ever felt. I didnt freak out but I remember asking God why was this happening? When I was diagnosed with the tumor in my head, I was in disbelief at first. I felt helpless again but in a different way. I do remember asking God again why? One thing that I look back on is that I never worried about where I was going if this was going to be it. I wanted to live, more than I ever had, but I had a peace in me that if my time was done, I was going to be with God. I sometimes feel that the time I have now is a bonus.