Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Course 9 Week 1

Enter your posts for week 1 in the comments section below this post.

This week, as usual, is an introduction week. Please try to introduce yourself. If you have done that before, you may paste it in here again, or you may tell us something else about yourself.

Your first or second post should include the title of your book or DVD course. Then list the table of contents from the book (or at least the chapter titles of all the chapters if it has an expanded table of contents.)

You will try to make 9 or more posts this week. They can basically be about anything, but they need to be at least 3 sentences long to count toward the 9. You can make other posts that are shorter than that, but they won't count toward the minimum requirements.

Anyone is welcome to join us this week if he has a book that he would like to study. Just send an email to rcarneysurey@yahoo.come, and we will set things up.


Tyler Owens said...

Hey guys! Well, we had a good break. Now it is time to get back at it. I am looking forward to this course. It was good to see you guys at the preachers' meeting on Tuesday night.

Tyler Owens said...

This time I am just watching a DVD course. The title of it is FREEWILL BAPTIST DOCTRINES. The instructor is Dr. Robert Picirilli. I will be watching two sessions a week.

roger said...

Praise the Lord, It is good to be back with you guys, I pray that The Lord has been good to you. Again my name is Roger Dutton, I attend Unity FWB Church, I am married, my wife Janet and this past week was our 25th wedding anniversary, Praise God for an awesome wife, we have two children Adam is our son 19 years old and leaving for the Marines next month, I do ask you to pray for us, we also have a daughter 15 year old Shelby, please pray for us!! Just kidding she is a great girl. So just glad to be back online it is so exciting to see God at work. Praise the Lord, and Bless you all.

roger said...

This course I will be reading, Haddon Robinson's book titled "Biblical Preaching". This week I will be studying chapters 1 & 2 and they are titled:
Ch. 1 The Case for Expository Preaching
Ch. 2 Whats the Big Idea.
Looking for a great study and lots of conversation Bless you guys.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hello, Guys,

Good to be back with you. I am Randy Carney, your instructor. You can find out more about me in some of the entries on the sidebars.

If you could give us the overview of all the chapter titles for your book, that would be very helpful. The DVD course may have a syllabus that lists the doctrines that will be covered.

I enjoyed the preacher's meeting Tuesday night. It was good to see you all again.

Tyler Owens said...

I am going to be doing this current course in one month. It is very short and I think that I can do it in one month. I will be watching four sessions a week.

Tyler Owens said...

My name is Tyler Owens. I am a licensed minister in the Freedom Freewill Baptist Quarterly Meeting. I am so thankful that God has put into this denomination. I am twenty-six years old and married to a wonderful woman named Audra. We have a nine year old daughter named Chloe. God truly has blessed my life. I attend Grange Hall Freewill Baptist Church in Marion, Illinois.

Tyler Owens said...

The first session just an introduction. It showed what we would be covering. This course covers our treatise and why we believe the way we do.

roger said...

If I have read the instructions correctly I am to list the table of contents of the book I am reading which is: Haddon Robinsons
"Biblical Preaching" The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages.
Chapter 1:The Case for Expository Preaching.
Chapter 2: What's the Big Idea.
Chapter 3: Tools of the Trade
Chapter 4: The Road from Text to Sermon.
Chapter 5: The Arrow and the Target.
Chapter 6: The Shapes Sermons Take.
Chapter 7: Making Dry Bones Live.
Chapter 8: Start with a Bang and Quit all Over.
Chapter 9: The Dress of Thought.
Chapter 10: How to Preach So People Will Listen.
If those were not the instructions then thank God for tthe practice Amen!!! God Bless

roger said...

If you were to mention "Expository Message" to me, I would think you were talking greek to me, but after reading chapter one I understand a bit more about preaching as a whole. I comment more about that later but on expository preaching I understand that it communicates a concept and that concept is the spiritual life that we all live or I should say the life that Christ lived leaving for us an example. We should take our concept and preach it in a way that it can be heard, learned and applied to our lives. Amen, Bless you all.

roger said...

Hey Tyler, I was just curious about your comment on being in the free will denomination and just wondering if you were ever in another denomination and if you were would you comment on that. And again I am just curious about how other denominations worship. You don't have to answer either way if it not comfortable to talk about.

Tyler Owens said...

I grew up in the Freewill Baptist denomination. After I rededicated my life, I went to an American Baptist Church. I don't know that much about the doctrine of them, though. I have visited a "charismatic" church before. It was different than anything I have ever seen before.

Tyler Owens said...

The next DVD talks about the Bible as revalation. The word revalation means "unveiling". We believe that the whole Bible is God's revalation to us. We do not beleive that man, in any way, uncover God. He revealed Himself to us by His choice alone.

roger said...

Chapter 2 talks about the idea in a sermon, and how important it is to have one main idea in a sermon. It also has great insight on how to identify the idea that you want to preach. There are two elements in forming an idea, those are, identifying the subject and the complement. To me and my intellect this could be very challenging. Thank God I have the Holy Spirit to guide and direct me,AMEN. God Bless You All

Tyler Owens said...

I am glad also that the Holy Spirit is guiding me. I know that I could not preach on my own. I am thankful that God inspires me everyime that I study my Bible.

Tyler Owens said...

The next session is about the Bible as inspired. The word inspiration means "God- breathed". There are inadaquate views of inspiration. They are intuition, illumination, and dynamic. We believe in plenary, verbal inspiration when the men wrote the Bible. We also believe that there is nothing in the Bible that God did not want in it.

Corey G. said...

Hey, great to be back. I enjoyed my break, and now its time to get back in the grove. And I enjoyed Tuesday night as well.

Corey G. said...

This time I will try to watch the dvd course and book course. Not sure if I can though. First is my book Pastoral Ministry:
Part 1
1.Rediscovering Pastoral Ministry-Richard L. Mayhue
2.What is a Pastor to Be or Do?-John MacArthur
3.Pastoral Ministry in History-James F. Stitzinger
4.Approaching Pastoral Ministry Scripturally-Alex D. Montoya

Corey G. said...

Part 2:
5.The Character of a Pastor-John MacArthur
6.The Call to Pastoral Ministry-James M. George
7.Training for Pastoral Ministry-Irvin A. Busenitz
8.Ordination to Pastoral Ministry-Richard L. Mayhue

Corey G. said...

Part 3:
9.The Pastor's Home-Richard L. Mayhue
10.The Pastors Prayer Life-personal side-James E. Rosscup
11.The Pastors Prayer Life-ministry side-Donald G. McDougall
12.The Pastors Study-John MacArthur and Robert L. Thomas
13. The Pastors Compassion for People-David C Deuel

Corey G. said...

Part 4:
14.Worshiping-John MacArthur
15.Preaching-Johns MacArthur
16.Modeling-George J. Zemek
17. Leading-Alex D. Montoya
18Outreaching-Alex D. Montoya
19.Discipling-S. Lance Quinn
20.Watching and Warning-Richard L. Mayhue
21.Observing Ordinances-John MacArthur
22.Answering Frequently Asked Questions-John MacArthur

Tyler Owens said...

Good to hear from you, Corey. I have read that book before. I pray that you find it as helpful as I did. It will help you if you allow it to. The authors have some really good insights into practical applications of being a minister.

Tyler Owens said...

The fourth session is about the Bible as authority. We, as Freewill Baptists, believe that the Bible is sole authority. We are obligated to live under the authority of God's Holy Word. Some false views of authority are the church has authority(catholicism) and that those with enlightened conscience and reason have authority.

Tyler Owens said...

Please pray for me, guys. I may have a big decision to make about my job status. You guys know what I am talking about. I am putting it in God's hands.