Monday, August 31, 2009

Couse 9 Week 2 Main Comment Area

You may use this area to make your comments starting anytime on Tuesday (after midnight on Monday).

I will try to join in better with you next week.

Again, good job, for each of you getting started.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is FREEWILL BAPTIST DOCTRINES. The instructor is Dr. Robert Picirilli. I will be watching four sessions this week.

Tyler Owens said...

The fifth session is about the doctrine of God. It first is about the essence of God. God is a spiritual being that is immaterial, incorpreal, and invisible. He is a personal being who is alive has perfect self-consciousness. God is a triune being. God is an infinite being that is not part of the created order. Finally, He is a necessary being.

Tyler Owens said...

This session also talks about the attributes of God. They are classified into two types, His non-moral and moral. His non-moral attributes do not refer to His relationship to His creatures. They are self-existence, singularity, simplicity(He is not made of parts), immutability(unchangeable), eternal, omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience, and sovereignty. His moral attributes reflect His relationship to His creatures. They are wisdom, holiness, justice, truthfulness, and goodness.

Tyler Owens said...

This session ends with the how God relates to the universe. He is Creator and refused to be indentified with His creation in any way. He is Preserver and Governor. God also relates to man as Redeemer, Savior, and Sanctifier. He is our Judge and the only proper object of worship.

roger said...

In Haddon Robinson's book titled "Biblical Preaching", I'll be studying chapters 3 and 4 this week and the title of those are:
Chapter 3: Tools of the Trade
Chapter 4: The Road from Text to Sermon.

roger said...

Tools of the Trade talks about the three stages of developing a expository message, From selecting a passage to preach to studying the passage to preach and then discovering the Exegetical idea of the passage to preach. He also taught on the resources needed to studying scripture such as dictionaries, concordances, lexicons and etc. Very helpful reading and not difficult to read at all. Bless you guys

roger said...

Hey Tyler, how's it going, I noticed that in your post on how God relates to the universe that you mentioned that he refused to be identified to his creation, is that right?

roger said...

Another tool of the trade is a computer, there are a lot of software available and takes up very little library space. He also teaches on about the idea and what it contains such as the subject, and it's complement. Mr. Robinson teaches on narrowing down your subject to a specific point so that the listeners can follow without being confused. God Bless you all.

Tyler Owens said...

It does sound a little bit strange, doesn't it? I think it means that His attributes are not indentified with creation. God is the sole object of worship and not what He created.

Tyler Owens said...

The next session is about God's providence. It is described as the care or benevolent guidence of God. It is divided into two areas. His providential sustainment is to the effect that nothing exists except by God's preservation. The next area is providential control(government). This means that all things are under His control. His final will is never thwarted. We must remember that He governs in wisdom and mercy.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Just wanted to remind everyone about the bonus points mentioned in the weekly requirements. Roger, you already have earned your three.
Tyler, you have earned at least two.

Tyler Owens said...

Hey, Roger. I like the ideas that you have shared about your book. I noticed that you mentioned using a computer for studying. Do you think that using a computer has helped you out personally?

Tyler Owens said...

The next session is about creation. God created the universe and it is not self-creating or self-sustaining. All things are done by Him. He also created the angels for four purposes. They are to glorify God, obey His comandments, minister to God's people, and execute judgement on the world. Finally, God created man. Man is made in God's image in five ways. They are personal(will, thought, feeelings), spiritual, moral, rational, and free.

Tyler Owens said...

The session also talks about Jesus Christ. He did exist before the creation of the world(John 1:1). He is the second person fo the trinity. He is God and deserves our worship. He has the same attributes as God the Father. He was also fully man at the same time. He is our Redeemer and only way to Heaven.

roger said...

Absolutely, I have Biblesoft software and it contains all the tools of the trade spoke of in the study, you can keep notes stored as well as a bible reading plan, also concordance, a couple different dictionaries, three different bible versions it really helps me. Thanks for the question Tyler. God Bless you all.

roger said...

Chapter 4: The Road from Text to Sermon, Mr. Robinson talks about the different worlds we are involved in, thats right three different worlds, the world of the Bible, the modern world, and the world we are called to preach to. One golden nugget I can take from this chapter is this truth: to be effective a sermon must relate a biblical truth to life, AMEN!!!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger and Tyler,

You have your three bonus points for this week.

Corey, Where are you?

roger said...

in chapter 4 "The Road from Text to Sermon", in order to develop a thought we must ask three questions,
#1: What does it mean?
#2: Is it true?
#3: What difference does it make?
That is explaining your thought, proving your thought, or applying your thought. Wow what a thought!
Thank God for this program it makes me think, read, and meditate. God Bless

Tyler Owens said...

The next session talks about the nature of the Atonement. There are a few inadequate ideas about Christ's death. They are martyrdom, moral influence, love of God, example of devotion, victory over evil forces, and protection for divine government. Some of these are partly correct, but inadequate. The biblical terms for Christ's death are ransom/redemption, propitiation, and reconciliation. There are three key truths about the nature of Christ's death. They are that it was a sacrifice(the final one), it was substitutionary, and it was satisfaction.

Tyler Owens said...

This session talks about the extent of the atonement. The Bible affirms God's desire to save all people. It also says that Jesus died for all. The Bible offers salvation to all and it blames men's "lostness" on their rejection of Christ.