Monday, September 28, 2009

Course 9 Week 6 Main Comments

You may place your comments for week 6 here anytime after midnight on Monday. You have been doing a good job of carrying this by yourselves. Thank you.

I hope to see you all tomorrow night.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is GENERAL EPISTLES AND REVALATION. The instructor is Mr. Matthew McAffee. I will be watching three DVDs this week.

Tyler Owens said...

The first session was about the apostasy written about in Hebrews. This is speaking to Christians who have fallen away. There is a chance of apostasy among Christians. This book really supports this topic.

Tyler Owens said...

Tonight is our monthly preachers' meeting. I have been looking forward to it all month long. I hope to see you guys there. I think that Bro. Jason Forby will be the speaker.

roger said...

Greetings Brothers, this week I will be reporting on Haddon Robinson's book" Biblical Preaching" chapter 8, and it is titled: Start with a Bang and Quit all Over.

roger said...

This is by far the best chapter in the book for me. It talks about the importance of introductions and conclusions. After reading this chapter and listening to sermons it is amazing what you can do in both situations. God I pray for this gift, that is the gift of presentation.

roger said...

Hey Tyler, I read the book by Robert Shank titled Life in the Son and it was a teaching on "Perseverence" maybe you've read it, does your study define apostasy just as a turning away from the faith or does it give a deeper definition. God Bless!!!

roger said...

An introduction has many jobs, for example your introduction should intoduce you as a speaker to the audience, it should also introduce your sermon idea as well as your central thought and in the case of an inductive sermon, it should introduce your first major point.

Tyler Owens said...

It does talk a little about what it means. Hebrews was written to born again Christians. I think that it was telling them that apostasy is possible even after you are saved. This is opposite of what our calvanist brothers would teach. I believe apostasy is happening everyday and it can happen to even the most spiritual people we know. That is why it is important to stay in the Word.

Tyler Owens said...

The next session talked about the book of James. James is a very practical book. It is known as the "how-to manual for Christians". The author is believed to be the brother of our Lord. It talks about the dangers of the tongue and also warns about being too worldly. The book ends with a warning to the rich.

Tyler Owens said...

The next session is about 1 John. There are several themes in this book. It is about walking in the light. We shouldn't have hate in our heart. John also states that if someone does not believe in Jesus, that person is an antichrist. He warns of false teachers that we have to watch for also.

Tyler Owens said...

The next session talks about 2 and 3 John. These are very small letters. 2 John is about mutual love toward Christians and dangers of false teachers. 3 John is about loving service and a good testimony. It also is a rebuke of Diotrephes.

Tyler Owens said...

We are preaching at Saratoga Church on Sunday. I have preached there before and it was a good time in the Lord. I pray that it is even better this time. God is so good to me and my family. I hope that you guys have blessed weekends. God Bless!

roger said...

Well in chapter 8, Start With a Bang and Quit All Over, I have to tell you that your introduction should demand attention. You have to gain your audiences attention or you will lose them right off the bat. Bro. Robinson quotes an old Russian proverb which holds a lot of truth in it," It is the same with men as with donkeys: whoever would hold them fast must get a very good grip on their ears!". That is a lot of truth,Amen

roger said...

Get personal, thats right your introduction should uncover needs as well as getting personal. If a preacher can introduce his/her listeners to a personal need then the Holy Spirit can come into the situation and do a wonderful work in that person's heart and life. So get personal!!. Hope you had a blessed day preaching Tyler, God Bless

roger said...

In conclusions that is exactly what they should do, conclude, end,stop, but the conclusion must be carefully done. Conclusions to a sermon can be a summary of what has been preached but not a re-preaching of the sermon. A conclusion should be a tool to use tying up loose ends. A preacher does not want to leave the audience confused about what has been preached. AMEN to that. You all have a blessed day!!!!

roger said...

Another point made in this chapter about conclusions was the fact that sometimes a sudden stop can have a powerful effect. Be careful though if done poorly it can leave the audience confused about what it is that they are to do.

roger said...

We got a letter from our Marine Recruit today and he misses home but seemed to be doing well. They got their M-16 rifles today and that was cool. He also said the church services were awesome and that Sunday about 30 Recruits got saved and in adam's words he said "Praise the Lord" I have prayed for his well being and God is always faithful, Thank you God.

Tyler Owens said...

Wow! What a testimony! I am very glad that thirty were saved at the Marine Church sservice. Those boys will take something really special with them . God is so good. I am continually amazed at what He does in people's lives.

Tyler Owens said...

The last session talks a little bit about 1 Peter. There is debate among scholars of whether or not Peter actually wrote it. They say that an uneducated fisherman could not write in such good Greek. I think that Peter probably had to speak Greek well for his profession. That was the language of trade in those days. He also could have had an aide to write is for him. Either way, I believe Peter wrote this book.

roger said...

This week I will reading chapter 9 in Haddon Robinson's Book titled: Biblical Preaching, and the title to chapter 9 is; The Dress of Thought.

roger said...

Up until now the book has been talking about the sermon content, ideas, outlines,and so on , this chapter talks about "the delivery".

roger said...

Your delivery of a sermon identfies your style of delivery. Everyone has a style,some bland, dull or some invigorate,some are precise. Your style of delivery often reflects how you think or our outlook on life and life matters. You gotta have style!!! God Bless you all

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I really enjoyed catching up on your comments. Roger, that is awesome about the church service that Adam attended. Praise the Lord for a chaplain that would talk about the need for salvation and tell them how to do it. There is pressure in some areas for the chaplains to have to water things down. This was a great Testimony!

roger said...

Hey Tyler, you had commented that some considered Peter uneducated, I believe like you that Peter did write the book, so did your study ever say what kind of education Peter actually had? You and I both know that he was inspired by The Holy Spirit so educated or not he would have been capable through The Holy Spirit. Amen? Amen!!

roger said...

Yes Praise the Lord for men to stand up for Jesus, Marine men at that. I hope to get more details about the services later but you all are right what a testimony/praise report. I am so glad that God is a part of my life as well as my families, THANK YOU GOD!!!!