Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pastoral Care and The Exclusive Claims of Christ

Last term, I embaked upon some study dealing with the exclusive claims of Christianity. This term, I will be immersed in Pastoral Care, and observing and interacting with your textbooks as well.

So, I plan to make my posts in this section over the next few weeks relating to any one of those three topics.

I am beginiing to see how my thoughts of how important the Second Person of the Trinity is actually colors how I look at life--and how it relates to my reading of the words recorded in the Bible.

Friday, October 30, 2009

"Preaching" and "Jesus and the Gospels"

I have enjoyed your comments up to this point. Asking each other questions will be helpful. Roger, you and I could do Tyler a great service by asking him questions about some of his chapter titles since he will have so many choices about what to comment on. Tyler, since you have been through Roger's course already, you may be able to ask about some of the things you wished you could have discussed with someone else.

The Rockbridge Seminary course is off to a good start too. We only have six students in the class this time, so that will make some of my grading assignments a little easier.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Course 10 Week 1 First Day!

Good morning, everyone,

This first week, as always, serves several purposes. We are to introduce ourselves to each other. I like it because I spend more time interjecting myself into your discussion than I do later in the course. You get to practice making posts, and a lot of purely social posts will be counted toward your goal of making nine quality posts. I remind everyone that, during a regular week, you will need an initial post in each forum by Thursday.

My wife and I both grew up in Southern Illinois. (If you are from southern Illinois, you capitalize the "S" :) !) I accepted the Lord as my Savior when I was eleven years old. During my senior year at Southern Illinois University, I recognized God's call to preach. Two years later, I married my wife Rhonda.

We have lived in Kansa City, MO (seminary), Fort Worth, TX, (seminary) and Memphis, TN (seminary), Chester, GA (pastoring, first child, Rachelle), Eatonton Georgia (associate pastor, Christian school principal, next three children, Ralanna, Rusty, and Rita Beth), Thompsonville, IL (Pastoral staff, principal), Lewisville, TX (pastoral staff, writer/editor for Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.), professor of Christian college) and back to Thompsonville, IL, where we have been for the last 22 years (a couple of pastorates and a church plant.)

Since all our names begin with "R" we were affectionately dubbed "the RC six-pack" at one of our churches.

The Lord has sent all of our children wonderful mates, and they all are involved in church. My son, Rusty, his wife, Brenda, and their two-year-old daughter, Grace, are Career Missionaries to Japan. You can check out their ministry here.

I resigned from my church last April and am currently involved in a speaking/writing/missions ministry. My most recent trip was to Acun(with a "tilde" over the "n")a, Mexico. My wife and I plan to make trips to Hokkaido, Japan, and to Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia. I addition to that, I plan to make several more trips to Mexico, another one to Japan, and one to South Korea.

If you are interested in our speaking/writing ministry, please check out the website, The LOVING Way to a Successful Marriage. If you refer a church to that website, make sure they also see the "special arrangements" page.

I have been in ministry for 39 years. I look forward to sharing with you during the next few weeks of this course.

Tyler and Roger, I think it will be the three of us again for a while.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Course 10 Week 1 Main Comments

You may place your comments for week 1 anytime after 12:01 a.m. Wednesday in the comments area below.

Remember that this is an introduction week. Tell us about yourself again, or give us some new information about yourself. The week is also a practice week for posting. Any comments that are at least 3 sentences long will count toward your total. In the weeks that follow, you will have to have certain types of comments to gain points.

Look at the section that describes the weekly requirements to learn how to get points.

Have a great time!

New Course Starting Tomorrow

As mentioned earlier, we will be starting a new course tomorrow. If you are intrested in joining us, look over the requirements and send me an email at

I look forward to being with you again. I started the course, Pastoral Care, at Rockbridge Seminary this morning. It looks like it will be a good course.

Monday, October 26, 2009

New Course Starting Wednesday

We will be starting a new course Wednesday. If you would like to sign up, read the infromation on the sidebars at the left. Then send an email to We will set you up with the ability to make regular comments.

Visitors are always welcome to join the discussion too. Just click on the word, "comments" at the bottom of any post.

I will be doing double duty this time as I will also be teaching the course, Pastoral Care, for Rockbridge Seminary. To learn more about Rockbridge, click the link in the sidebar on the left.

If you would like to book Dr. Carney for a speaking event, please visit the website,
The LOVING Way to a Successful Marriage. Then send an email to and put the word, "Speaking" in the subject line. (Go to the "Special Arrangements" page for a discount for churches.)

Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Tyler, and Roger,

Check your email for your grades.

You both did an outstanding job this term!

Tyler's Posting Area

Tyler, you may post your comments here while we are waiting to start the new course.

Roger and Corey, we will start a new session the day after the next Preachers Meeting.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Course Wrap Up

For this term's course wrap up, write a summary of the course. Include any comments about things that will have the potential to help you in your ministry, or tell what you wish would have been covered in the course.

Course 9 Week 8 Main Comments

You may place your comments here anytime after midnight Monday night.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Course 9 Week 7 Main Comments

Please place your main comments for week 7 here.