Monday, October 26, 2009

New Course Starting Wednesday

We will be starting a new course Wednesday. If you would like to sign up, read the infromation on the sidebars at the left. Then send an email to We will set you up with the ability to make regular comments.

Visitors are always welcome to join the discussion too. Just click on the word, "comments" at the bottom of any post.

I will be doing double duty this time as I will also be teaching the course, Pastoral Care, for Rockbridge Seminary. To learn more about Rockbridge, click the link in the sidebar on the left.

If you would like to book Dr. Carney for a speaking event, please visit the website,
The LOVING Way to a Successful Marriage. Then send an email to and put the word, "Speaking" in the subject line. (Go to the "Special Arrangements" page for a discount for churches.)

Have a great day!

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