Sunday, November 1, 2009

Life's Confusing Moments

One of the things that is a challenge in pastoral care is helping people deal with life's confusing moments. The Book of Job gives some help in this respect.

You remember that God challenged Satan to "consider [God's] servant, Job." Then the Lord allowed Satan to bring all kinds of tragedy including sickness.

When Job was covered in boils,three friends came to comfort him. They did well, at first, by just being there and silently sympathizing with him. Then they started getting philosophical. They decided that Job must be experiencing this troupble because he had committed some sin in his life. Job knew this was not true, and he told them so. However, they continued to argue along that line of thought.

In Job 26 you can see:

The Folly of Man's Wisdom,
The Power of God
The nearly silent (whisper-NKJV) voice of God

and then in the context of the whole Bible, you can put this chapter into perspective when considering;

God's Plan of Salvation

There are four points you could use. (I did this morning as a guest speaker.)

If they are helpful, take them, revise or improve them, and add to them for messages of your own. Help yourself!

Some basic thrusts are that we cannot see the whole picture, but we know enough about God to know the He is trustworthy, even when we don't understand all that is going on. God is powerful, but known only to Him are the purposes of when He chooses to exercise that power in this life. God provides salvation, and, ultimately, that makes life worthwhile.

I hope you had good services this morning, and that God will bless you the rest of the week.

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