Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Course 11 Week 1 Main Comment Area

Place your comments below for week 1. You will be learning how to navigate this week. Your goal is to make 9 or more comments that are at least three sentences long. One of these posts should introduce who you are to the rest of us. The other comments may either be on the first section of the book you are studying, or they may be on other people's comments, or just about anythying this first week. After the first week, you will be making comments on the material we are studying.


Tyler Owens said...

Hello to everyone. It has been a while since I posted on this blog. I am excited about posting some with you. I probably won't be able to comment as much as I used to. I have been working a lot of overtime since I went back to my old job.

Tyler Owens said...

My name is Tyler Owens. I am a licensed minister in the Freedom Quarterly meeting of Southern Illinois. I am married to a beautiful wife named Audra and we have a nine year old daughter named Chloe. I attend Grange Hall Freewill Baptist Church.

Tyler Owens said...

The title of my book is THE SUPREMECY OF GOD IN PREACHING. The author is John Piper. There are seven chapters in this book. I will read it in a couple of weeks. The first chapter is called The Goal of Preaching:The Glory of God.

Tyler Owens said...

Hey, Bro. Randy. I got my transcript. I have not read this book yet. I was thinking of a different book. I will have this book done before the next preacher meeting.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hi, Tyler,

Welcome back.

If you want to do this as a four-week course, you can start your comments on the book next if you wish. You might finish in two weeks. You can go the route of 9 posts per week, or you can do less and we will list is as the "read" option, and we will benefit from your partial posts--whichever way you wish to go is fine.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I just introduced myself again, and the internet service went off.

It has been doing that the last few days. I understand they are supposed to be working on it.

I will try to post when I can. For instance, right now, the icon shows "local only." I will try to send when it shows, "local and internet."

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I am Rancy Carney, the instructor for this course.. I am involved in writing, public speaking, and missions.

I will be going to Mexico on Feb. 20.

On Satureday evening (6:00--9:00), I will be the featured speaker at a couples' enrichment marriage seminar at the First Baptist Church in Thompsonville, IL. (We are working on contacting another couple wih a marriage ministry to help with two of the breadout sessions.)

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Whoops, forgot to proofread. It shoud be "Randy" and "Saturday"! :)

roger said...

Hello all, my name is Roger Dutton, I am a member of Unity Free Will Baptist Church in West Frankfort, Il., I am married, Janet Ann, I have two children, Adam Lee, who is 19 years old and is a member of "United States Marine Corps" and my daughter is 16years old and is a "FCHS Cheerleader" and I must say that The Lord has richly blessed me and my family.

roger said...

Hey Tyler, long time no read, huh. Glad to interact with you again, may The Lord Bless you!!!!

roger said...

The title of my course is "The Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching, written by Haddon Robinson and Craig Brian Larson. I will read 13 chapters a week for the next 15 weeks. I should end and be back on time with my next study. Praise God!!!!

roger said...

I will read Part One of which covers 14 chapters this week and the titles of those chapters are as follows:
Chapter 1: Convictions of Biblical Preaching
Chapter 2: A Definition of Biblical Preaching
Chapter 3: A Weekly Dose of Compressed Dignity
Chapter4: Overfed and Underchallenged
Chapter 5: Theolgy of Powerful Preaching
Chapter 6: Preaching that Raises Our Sights
Chapter 7: Leading and Feeding
Chapter 8: John 3:16 is the Key of C
Chapter 9: Growing in Your Preaching
Chapter 10: Spiritual Formation through Preaching
Chapter 11: Preaching Life into the Church
Chapter 12:My Theory of Homiletics
Chapter 13: Staying on the Line
Chapter 14: History of Preaching

roger said...

I guess I had missed this truth Ch. 5 mentions the Theology of Powerful Preaching is that the ultimate aim of preaching is to please God, and the only way to do that is to stay true to the scriptures.

roger said...

Bro. Randy, This was an attempt to stay on time in my course, hopefully this will count for something for week 1. God Bless

roger said...

This week I will be reading in the Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching chapters 15-28 and they are titled:
Chapter 15: A Cup Running Over
Chapter 16: The Patented Preacher
Chapter 17: I Prayed for My Preaching
Chapter 18: How Does Unction Feel?
Chapter 19: Squeaky Clean
Chapter 20: Required Reading
Chapter 21: Rightly Dividing The Preaching Load
Chapter 22: Preaching Through Personal Pain
Chapter 23: A Prophet Among You
Chapter 24: Burning Clean Fuel
Chapter 25: Backdraft Preaching
Chapter 26: Why I Pace Before I Preach
Chapter 27: Preaching to Convulse the Demons
Chapter 28: Holy Expectations

roger said...

Whoa, that sounds like alot of reading but actually the chapters are rather short but to the point. I have encountered some great insight in this section of reading, three words that are important to the Gospel, euangelizomai, to tell the good news, kerysso, to proclaim like a herald, and martyreo, to bear witness, this is important because to comunicate The Word of God, you must understand these words and meanings as well as allowing your daily life experiences transform your sermon into a message.

roger said...

Chapter 20 titled: "Required Reading" makes reference to The Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy while in a Roman prison and desiring his cloak, scrolls, and parchments, especially the parchments, imprisoned and facing death Paul desired to read, thats maybe puts some importance on reading, we are not in a physical prison but we may be in some type of prison maybe it's time to read> God Bless

roger said...

Preaching through personal pain , Daniel T. Hans writes: As I preached in the midst of my pain, I was unaware of paticular features of my sermons that later proved healing and directive for my congregation. A couple chapters ago Mr. Robinson talked about life experiences involved in preaching, sure we've all been tempted, sure we've all been cheated in some way or another, sure we've experienced hurts and pain, even from church, what better way to resolve such issues," preach through your pain". Amen and God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!

roger said...

Hey Tyler, you must be working alot of overtime on your job, so I'm praying the Lord give you strength, and rest for your ministry. God Bless you and your family.

roger said...

Hello anybody out there?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hi, Bro. Roger,

We had a good Quarterly Meeting last night and today. Tyler did a great job preaching, as well as Bro. Ben.

Last night, Brent Schuetz covered a very important topic about "High-maintenance Christian." He pointed out that Babes in Christ and people who are hurting desrve to be high-maintenance, but that carnal Christians are high-maintenance and are quite a drain on the church. The other group was Christians who need to have grown to the point of being able to teach and to depend upon God for their needs, but have not.

It had some great insights.

roger said...

Bro. Randy, am I posting correctly or are we doing a section for each week?

roger said...

Chapter 25 is titled: Backdraft Preaching, the author talks about the elements of preaching as being the same elemnts in fire. There is water, wind, earth, and fire, he explains, preaching comes from fire which is fed by the water of the Word,it burns by the wind of the Spirit, then mixed in the earthiness of bone and flesh. This will remain a burning ember until stoked by God again. What an awesome God!!!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Bro. Roger, you are in the right place for week 2. Tomorrow, you may start in the week 3 comments area.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger, going back to that first set of chapters you read, what was the definition of Biblical Preaching?