Saturday, February 6, 2010

Course 11 Week 3 Main Comment Area

Comments for February 9-15.


roger said...

This session I will be reading chapters 29-44 in the book,"The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching", by Haddon Robinson and Craig Brian Larson.
Chapter 29: Preaching to Everyone in Paticular
Chapter 30: The Power of Simplicity
Chapter 31: View From The Pew
Chapter 32: Preaching to Ordinary People
Chapter 33: Why Serious Preachers Use Humor
Chapter 34: Connect Hearers through Dialogue
Chapter 35: Self-Disclosure that Glorifies Christ
Chapter 36: How to be Heard
Chapter 37: Opening the Closed American Mind
Chapter 38: Turning the Audience into the Church
Chapter 39: Preaching to Change the Heart
Chapter 40: Preaching Truth, Justice, and the American Way
Chapter 41: Preaching Morality in an Amoral Age
Chapter 42: Cross Cultural Preaching
Chapter 43: Connecting with Postmoderns
Chapter 44:Preaching Amid Pluralism

roger said...

Bro. Randy, to answer your question, John Stot defines biblical preaching this way in chapter 2, " To expound Scripture is to open up the inspired text with such faithfulness and sensitivity that God's voice is heard and his people obey him".

roger said...

Haddon Robinson writes in chapter 29 about preaching to everyone and about without prejudice hurting someones feelings, although this is a concern preachers still have to preach to diverse crowds and ultimately someone will be hurt, but preachers have to preach the way the Lord would direct them and sadly enough someone will be hurt or maybe thats "conviction".

roger said...

Chapter 30 is titled: The Power of Simplicity, and suggest that as preachers we should not aim at having the perfect sermon but that preachers should aim to be understood, simple huh. Lives are changed when we merely read, explain and apply the eternal truth in which God has spoken. AMEN? Amen!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...


Thanks for answering that question about the definition of preaching. So, what are some ways to preach morality in an amoral aga? We are having to deal with this more and more as our general culture gets away from the Bible.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Preaching amid pluralism sounds interesting too. I assume pluralism means something like many people having many ideas. Did they define the word? What are some ways to handle this and remain true to the Word. I know that we have to let "God be true, and every man a liar,' but I am sure there are ways to present things so that people will listen to you instead of just turning you off right away.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger, what tips stand out to you for commecting with postmoderns? I think the term modern referred to an age in history that related to new thoughts in science, etc. (If I am off base, refresh my memory.) Post modern refers to the time following that era. Connecting with postmoderns is something you have to do, whether you realize it or not, almost every time you preach.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Concderning chapter 37, why does the author say the American mind is closed? Can it be opened easily? If so, what is a way (or some ways) to do that?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Turning the audience into the church sounds interesting. All the questions may help you to get your post in for this week, which, incidentally, ends tomorrow.

Might see you at church tonight.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger, good to see you last night. I am looking forward to the upcoming marriage seminar.

Did the author give a list of techniques for the chapter about "How to be Heard," or did he talk about some other kinds of general principles?

roger said...

Just finished shoveling snow (Again), and I have to say that I've had enough, AMEN!! Thank you Bro. Randy for your questions before I attempt to answer them I would like to comment on chapter 37 titled: Opening the Closed American Mind, because the author mentioned "appealing to curiosity of the Bible" and you know that was one thing that appealed to me as a lost person, I actually wanted to know that I was,nt as bad as some and I thought that God would show favor toward that fact, but thank God for preachers who won't water down the gospel or sugar it up, the truth is the truth and God will not show favor to the ones who do evil, although I was'nt as bad as some my effort as a sinner working on my own would never be good enough. My greatest victory was in submission to The Lord!! Just because I was curious. AMEN and AMEN!!

roger said...

Preaching morality to an amoral world, first we have to define amoral society, this is defined as a society that believes there are no absolute right or wrongs but feels that it is only right or wrong in their own eyes. So how do we preach to these? First you have to preach the truth and we have to preach grace and this I believe will bring conviction and repentance to an amoral society.

roger said...

Timothy Keller writes that "pluralism says there is no religion superior over another that they are basically all the same, so how do we preach so that we are not bashing someone elses religion and we can get attention, we preach the "distinctiveness of christianity" that is to say that Crhistianity is the only faith that tells you that God lost a son to an act of injustice, that God suffered as you have suffered in fact christianity is the only faith that teaches God has known human pain, that there is salvation by grace, and a hope of heaven.