Saturday, February 6, 2010

Course 11 Week 5 Main Comment Area

Place your comments below for the week of February 22-March 1.


roger said...

This week I will be reading chapters 58-69, in "The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching", Haddon Robinson and Craig Brian Larson. They are titled:
Chapter 58: Why the Sremon
Chapter 59: Getting the Gold from the Text
Chapter 60: Faithful First
Chapter 61: God's Letter of Intent
Chapter 62: Five Bird-dogging Questions for Biblical Exposition
Chapter 63: The Rules of the Game
Chapter 64: Why All the Best Preachers are Theological
Chapter 65: Letting the Listeners Make the Discoveries
Chapter 66: Conviction and Compassion
Chapter 67: The Inadequecy of Yes
Chapter 68: What Great Coaches-and Preachers-Know
Chapter 69: Preaching That Opens Ears and Hearts

roger said...

In chapter 58, "Why the Sermon", Ben Patterson writes, people should hear the sermon and do these things; praise, adore and give thanks to God.

roger said...

In chapter 59,"Getting the Gold from the Text" the writer teaches us that preachers should help the congregations to understand the meaning of text,to help them interpret the text, and understand the implications toward them from the text, always remembering that the power of the sermon comes from the text. Help us Lord as we attempt to interpret the text!

roger said...

In chapter 60 titled: "Faithful First", the writer states that where the Word of God is faithfully taught, the voice of God is authentically heard. He then states five instructions to be followed, observation, framework,context,application, and literary genre, following these 5 principles Gods Word will be preached. Amen and Amen

roger said...

Chapter 61, "God's Letter of Intent",the writer suggest that preachers should read and study the text and to not say what comes to mind, but in fact discern what God would have you say about his text. The writer also suggest that six questions should be asked in order to discern what God reaaly meant to say in the scriptures and they are:
1. What is This Text Functionally?
2. What is the Subject of the Text?
3. What is the Text Saying About the Subject?
4. What Response Does the Text Call For?
5. How Does This Text Ellicit That Response?
6. How Does This Passage Contribute to the Larger Drama of Redemption?
I would like to add my take on this lesson if I may. To much thinking and not enough listening could be a stumbling block for some, me included! Thanks and God Bless

roger said...

Questions,questions,and more questions, does anyone have an answer? Chapter 62 titled: Five Bird-Dogging Questions for Biblical Exposition. This chapter and the last one talks about asking the right questions and digging into the text for the correct answers. Earl Palmer writes in chapter 62 that asking the right questions and gleaning the text for the answers will give you a wealth of relavant information on which to preach about. Technical questions, Historical questions, Content-Theological questions,Contemporay questions, and Discipleship questions. If you ask and answer these you will have more than enough to preach about.

roger said...

David L. Allen writes in chapter 63 titled: The Rules of the Game, and he teaches the seven steps to proper interpretation. Using a baseball analogy he explains these seven steps.
The Dugout:the genre
On-deck: context
At Bat: Sematics
First-base: The big picture
Second base: Grammer and syntax
Third base: Words
Home plate: Application
Proper use of these seven steps will turn our messages from interpretation to proclaiming the true message of the text.

roger said...

Why All the Best Preachers are Theological, that's the title to Chapter 64, theology is a matter of doctrine, and doctrine is a teaching of the scriptures. Yet there are three types of theology, Exegetical theology, Biblical theology, and Systematic theology.

roger said...

Chapter 66 is titled: Conviction and Compassion, it has a subtilte that really spoke to me,that is,"it takes both toughness and tenderness to rescue people from sin". Thw writer teaches about toughness in preaching, sometimes preachers have to be tough for the audience to really examine their lives. This kind of preaching comes with a warning, that being, tough preaching without spiritual discernment could very easily become spiritual abuse. There is no place in ministry for abuse, of any kind.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger, you have done a tremendous job, carrying this load all by yourself with little to no interaction with someone else.

Out Mexico trip was great. We were exhausted, though. Adrenaline carried my through Saturday night, but Sunday, I was getting pretty sick-even though we went to both services that day. As you know, I missed church Wednesday night. Still trying to build back up. Nyquil (generic), Dayquil, and Musinex have helped. Taking lots of vitamin C.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I enjoyed the marriage seminar. I hope it turned out well for you and Janet. Thanks for being willing to be a part of it.