Saturday, February 6, 2010

Course 11 Week 6 Main Comments Area


roger said...

This week I'll be reading chapters 99-114, in the book "The art and Craft of Biblical Preaching" by Haddon Robinson and Craig Brian Larson.

roger said...

Chapter 99. Modulating Tension
Chapter 100. The Purpose Driven Title.
Chapter 101. Why Should I Listen to You?
Chapter 102. Satisfying Conclusions
Chapter 103. Determining Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Chapter 104. Interesting Preaching
Chapter 105. Crafting an Experience
Chapter 106. Seven Habits of of Highly Effective Preachers
Chapter 107. The Sermon's Mood
Chapter 108. Teaching the Whole Bible
Chapter 109. Dramatic Expository Preaching
Chapter 110. Verse by Verse Sermons that Really Preach
Chapter 111. What Makes Textual Preaching Unique.
Chapter 112. Can Topical Preaching Also Be Expository?
Chapter 113. The Biblical Topical Sermon
Chapter 114. Topical Preaching on Bible Characters

roger said...

In chapter 99, Craig Brian Larson titles the chapter; "Modulating Tension". He then ask how to maintain the interest throughout the sermon. Tension can be recognized with a problem and then lost with the solution. So how do we keep tention in the sermon? He states that if we describe a problem and keep adding to that problem and still add to that problem and follow the same pattern to the solution, it will maintain tension all through the sermon.

roger said...

Determining Your Strengths and Weaknesses is the title to chapter 103, the writer suggest a scale to determine your abilities as to what kind of a preacher you are. On a grid numbered from 0-10 you are to rate yourself in four categories, or TEMP scale. The first category, (teaching), the second, (exhortation), third, (mercy), and the fourth, (prophecy). Determining your strengths and weaknesses will center up your preaching. AMEN

roger said...

Chapter 104 is titled: "Interesting Preaching", How to avoid talking in someone else's sleep. Stuart Briscoe tells of three ways to keep preaching interesting, one way is to preach to the mind. Another way is preaching to the will, and lastly preaching to the emotions.

roger said...

Crafting an Experience, that is the title to chapter 105. Rob Bell doesn't want you to sit and listen to a sermon, he wants you to live it. He speaks of engaging listeners to the sermon. He is always thinking of something to connect listner to sermon in more ways than one. Like he will give the audience a handout, or a stone or maybe a piece of clay, anything visual, or touchable that will connect the listener to the sermon. This will also connect the listner in more than one deminsion, bringing different levels of understanding. Well Amen to that.

roger said...

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Preachers is the title to chapter 106, and it is subtitled, How to speak so listeners can't forget. Craig Brian Larson writes that there are seven ways to hold the listeners attention. First is the use of comparison, then there is constrast, paralleism, repetition and refrain, hyperbole and understatement, alliteration, and periphrasis. Not only does it keep their attention but they also remember what was said. AMEN!!!!

roger said...

In chapter 114,"Topical Preaching on Bible Characters". Selecting a Bible character for your sermon will take some study, is your character completly relative to the story line. Does your character supply a need, a problem, or anything that would apply to the sermon an application of the main point that your sermon is preaching on. Be careful when selecting your character.