Saturday, February 6, 2010

Course 11 Week 7 Main Comments Area

Please place your comments for March 2-March 8 below.


roger said...

This week I will be reading chapters 70-84 in the book:"The Art and Craft Biblical Preaching", written by Haddon Robinson and Craig Brian Larson.
Chapter 70. Leading Hearers to the Tree of Life.
Chapter 71. Fundamentals of Genre
Chapter 72. From B.C. to 11A.M.
Chapter 73. The Big Idea of Narrative Preaching
Chapter 74. Life in Leviticus
Chapter 75. Apply Within
Chapter 76. Application Without Moralism.
Chapter 77. Blending Bible Content and Life Application
Chapter 78. Showing Promise.
Chapter 79. Helping Hearers Practice What We Preach
Chapter 80. The Heresy of Application
Chapter 81. Preaching for True Holiness
Chapter 82.Less Moe, More Jesus
Chapter 83. Preahing that Promotes Self-Centeredness
Chapter 84. The Danger of Pratical Preaching

roger said...

In Chapter 70: Leading Hearers to the Tree of Life, teaches us that harsh preaching will not lead to the Tree of Life but in fact could lead to the tree of knowledge of good and evil, therefore instead of producing holiness it in fact produces disobedience. Preaching that leads to the tree of life is a life giving message not one that says: "you must not make a mistake or God will punish you. A life-giving message is presented with compassion and produces obedience.

roger said...

In The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching,written by Haddon Robinson and Criag Brian Larson,chapter 72 is a lesson on preaching a narrative sermon. Most of these comes from the Old Testament, where you have stories of history, kingdoms, family challenges,and so on. This chapter teaches that to preach a narrative sermon you must do some investigation, discover the plot, observe the pace of things, interpret the dialouge, pay attention to details, and don't forget the characters. Now put your audience into the middle of things in a way that they feel like they are actually there. Preach this well and you have brought B.C. to your Sunday morning congregation.

roger said...

Chapter 73 is titled: "The Big Idea Of Narrative Preaching", another lesson in telling a story, or I should say interpreting a story, In a narrative sermon there are two methods to interpret them. The first way is the "Exegetical Method, study the text and identify the beginning and the end of the story, this may include several chapters in the text and sometimes difficult to determine. Then you have to identify the design, scenes, characters,action, dialogue,language,narration,plot,tone,rhetorical structure,and the context. Then the "homeletical process", examine the exegetical idea, and restate it with historical accuracy and literary content. Begin with a cause and end with a solution.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Whoops, I see I skipped a week when assigning dates to the weeks.

roger said...

"Life in Leviticus", chapter 74 in my study of "The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching, Leviticus is not one of the most popular Old Testament books but the author was correct in saying that it is a book that we should know. Jesus is in Leviticus, our sacrifice for our sins, Amen? The writer explains why he would plant a new church and a new congregation and preach Leviticus and the greatest reason I have ever heard, "to flourish on the power of the Spirit alone". Wow such faith.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

To flourish on the power of the Spirit alone. That is one thing I see happening when preaching through three or four chapters of the Bible at a time--regardles of the book from where the sermons come.

roger said...

Chapter 75, titled: Apply Within" is a lesson in application. The writer explains why it is sometimes difficult applying a sermon to real life situations. I will list some of the reasons application is not applied to our lives. First it is "hard work", it is hard to find application to every situation in the congregation, second, is wrong assumptions, assuming the audience is able to apply any and all biblical truths is totally a wrong assumption, third, is fear, fear of being to deep or to simplistic in the text and failing at application, and then there is training or lack thereof, many preachers know the text, and the history and the order of things but are totally untrained in application. One gentleman said it this way," how can you be a good football player when you can pass the ball, or when you can kick the ball, or when you can run with the ball but you don't know the rules of the game.

roger said...

"Showing Promise", that is the title to chapter 78. Craig Brian Larson makes us aware of the fact that God's commands should be acommpanied by a promise from God. Giving commands in a sermon without promise results in lack of faith that God will do what he says he will do. So when you illustrate a command from God, illustrate the promise that acommpanies that command and lead s to faith .

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Did Mr. Larson give an example of showing promise along with a command? I would be interested in that. I'm not sure that failing to do that would always result in a lack of faith, but I may not understand all he is saying.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I Moved the Main flourishing in the Spirit post to here:

One of the authors Roger quoted mentioned that he would like to start a church, and begin with sermons on Leviticus, so that he could see God work. The heaviness of the words in Leviticus seem to show that if God moves in these instances, that you have to know that it is God working.

I have been privileged to see God move when preaching series of three to six sermons from particular books of the Bible, and it did not really matter, sometimes, where those sermons came from (although, there was a certain "leading" as to what chapters to use).

God is great, and He can use our feeble efforts to being people to Himself.

roger said...

Bro. Randy, I will try to answer that by quoting Bro. Larson. He says: Every command from God is built on a promise of God, therefore, every divine call to action(obedience) is at the same time a divine summons to trust God's promise(faith).After the Exodus, God promised Israel that he would cause bread to rain down from heaven,gather only a days worth except on Friday and gather for two. The command was to gather for the day (obedience) and the promise was that it would rain bread again tomorrow (faith). I hope that answered your question. God Bless

roger said...

Chapter 82: Less Joe, More Jesus, is written by Joe Stowell, who in fact wants to preach to draw more attention to Jesus and less attention to himself, less attention to the music, or less attention to whatever it is that distracts us. More Jesus. John 3:30, He must increase(Jesus) and I must decrease.

roger said...

The Danger of Practical Preaching is the title of chapter 84, the author describes two fallacies about "Practical Preaching". The Bottom Line Fallacy, meaning that the message is short and to the point, the danger in this is that the hearers know what is sin, but don't know how they have gotten to the point that their at. In fact they know the end result only, and nothing of how to avoid it or how to repent from it only the point that they have sinned.
The Practical Fallacy however, is just to mundane or dogmatic, sure the hearer needs to know that a sermon has dealt with their life situations, their practical ways of life, but is that all they need to know, no , they need to know how it happens, they need to know that it happens to others, they need to know that it is not only their generation that it's applied to but many generations before. Practical huh, God Bless!!!!!!!

roger said...

Bro. Randy, did you get any feedback on the "Marriage Enrichment Weekend", I was just curious that if we got the opportunity to do it again what might need to be changed or reviewed. Thanks God Bless you and your ministry.