Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ministry in Japan

My wife and I have been in Hokkaido, Japan, for the last two weeks. The first Sunday evening that we were here, I preached in Saroma, Hokkaido, Japan. (Hokkaido is the island just north of Honshu. Tokyo is located in Honshu. Sapporo, where our son and his family live is located in Hokkaido.)

Last Sunday I preached at the Miharashidai Chapel in Ebetsu, Hokkaido,
Japan. The service was good, and I am very grateful for the interpretation provided by missionary, Nathan Snow, who has the regular preaching duties for this church.

After church, we had a meal with the congregation. It was good to fellowship with them. I got to hear the stories from three of them about when and how they came to Christ.

Next Sunday morning, I will be preaching at the Koinonia church in Sapporo. Then in the afternoon, I will preach again at another church in the area. Missionary, Debbie Griffin, will be interpreting for me both times that day.

If you would like to know more about the ministry here in this part
of Japan, you could go to and then click on the country of Japan; or you could click on some of the missionaries' names, such as Rusty and Brenda Carney (my son and his wife), Josh and Alicia Crowe, Nathan and Linda Snow, Debbie Griffin, and Shannon Little.

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