Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Course 12 Week 1 Comments Area

Leave your comments for week 1 below.

Please notice that the non-English comments seem to be spam. I don't know how to get them stopped, so I will have to keep deleting them as they appear. Be careful about clicking on them. They may take you somewhere you would prefer not to go.


roger said...

Hello, my name is Roger Dutton, married to Janet and have two children Adam, and Shelby, and we love The Lord! We attend Unity FWB Church in West Frankfort.I am Sunday School Superintendent, my wife is the Adult Sunday School Teacher. My wife and I are currently trying to establish a marriage ministry which we feel is very much needed in todays society as well as in the church. So pray,pray,pray! God Bless all who love the Lord.

roger said...

Had a good night at Bible study at Unity, studying the book of Hebrews. It teaches us that we as believers need a high priest to mediate for us in the "Most Holy Place", Praise God for that mediator "Jesus Christ". Good stuff , bless all that know him. Amen

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hello, my name is Randy Carney. I also am a member of Unity FWB Church. I was privileged to be Bro. Roger's pastor for many years. While I was there, I encouraged Bro. Roger and Sis. Janet to start their marriage ministry.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I was saved when I was 11, answered the call to preach at 21, and have been in the ministry for 40 years.

roger said...

Unlike Bro. Randy, I wasn't saved until I was 38 years of age. My wife and I were divorced and then re-married after one year, the Lord spoke to my wife about our situation and she started attending Freeman Chapel Church and eventually I join her. Several months passed white knuckling it on the back pew, then one morning, one glorius morning, The Holy Spirit got a hold and wouldn't turn loose, Praise God for that morning, so I have tried to learn all I can and study to show myself approved for his glory ever since, that was April 14, 1995. I am still not where I want to be in The Lord but thank God I am not where I was. Bless you all!!!!

roger said...

Well it's almost 5:00 o"clock, just wanted to say that I will be leaving for Norfolk, Va. in a bit to spend a week with my son, Adam, who is stationed there. I don"t have a laptop so this will be my last post until I get back, which will be the 12th. So good posting and may the Lord richly Bless You.

Thomas said...

Hello my name is Thomas Campbell. I am the Youth Pastor at Whiteash Free Will Baptist church. I got saved when I was 18 and accepted the call to preach one year later. I have been with the same girl for 1 year and 8 months. Now I am just trying to work up the nerve to ask her to marry me. I am also a car salesman at Auffenburg in Herrin, and am apart of the FWB bible college online study course.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Yea! Thomas, you have made it in.

Now, just keep making comments that are at least three sentences long for the rest of today and tomorrow.

You can even do things like tell us the name of your book and tell us what chapter you think will be one of the most interesting and why.

Look at the posting ideas in one of the earlier posts that I made.

Remember that the first week closes down at midnight tomorrow night.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Thomas, we are really looking forward to getting to know you. I was curious. Did you have a church background? What led up to your salvation at 18? If you did have a church background, in what church did you grow up?

Thomas said...

I actaully grew up in Church of God. I was always raised in church. I wanted to live a diffrent lifestyle all around and I went down the wrong path for a while. One day I went to a youth rally with a couple of my friends, and a man got up and gave his testimony and it was dead on to mine, and later that night I gave my heart to the Lord and never looked back.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Wow, Thomas, Thanks for the testimony. Was the youth rally one of our FWB youth rallies, or was it somewhere else? Also, what got you interested in ministry and/or youth work?

I was saved when I was 11 yrs. old after hearing a couple of my friends talking about knowing they would go to Heaven if they got killed in a car wreck.

Ten years later, I went forward at an evangelistic crusade where Richard Hogue was preaching. I had been wondering about God's call to preach. That night I prayed and told the Lord I would be willing to do whatever He wanted.

(I wish Roger was able to get in on this part of the discussion :).

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Thomas, since all kinds of posts count this week, what did you do for the Fourth? Did you go see fireworks? We went to West Frankfort Saturday night and saw them. My second oldest daughther, Ralanna and her family (husband Chip, two little girls: Kassidy and Addison) were up from Nashville, TN. We had a good time together.