Thursday, July 8, 2010

In the Beginning

In the first chapter of the Bible, we have the account of Creation. We also have some of the earliest indications of the Trinity present there too.

"In the beginning, God . . . ."
"The Spirit of God moved . . . ."
"Let Us make man in Our Image."

The Hebrew is indeed plural, just as is translated in our English translations. So, we are dealing with One who is Plural. Sounds like a contradictin, but really it is a paradox. A paradox is an apparent (not real) contradiction which has two parts, both of which are true AND both of which are necessary.

We need to understand that God, who is mentioned in the Old Testament, exists as Trinity.

That is why John 1 indicates that Jesus (The Word) was active in the process of Creation (without Him not anything made was made.)

Jesus is exclusively the way to Heaven, in part, because He is indeed God. No other supposed way to Heaven has this characteristic.

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