Monday, August 9, 2010

Course 12 Week 7 Main Comments Area

If you haven't noticed, most of my new material has been in the form of articles written about marriage. They have been showing up in this blog, but you have to scroll down in the left sidebar to find them. Go there and check them out. You may find some titles that interest you.

Starting Tuesday, you may post your comments below for the seventh week.

Once again, I want to commend Roger for keeping up with his studies. There really is value in being able to summarize what you read, and he has done an excellent job. Roger, Saturday, Tyler Owens mentioned (when we were meeting with him for ordination) that the book you are reading now was one that really blessed him. I hope it has been good for you too.


roger said...

Thanks again Bro. Randy for the encouragement, God Bless you and all that you do for the Lord.

roger said...

This week I will be reading chapters 180-192, this will cover all discussions on the topic of Special Topics.
Chapter 180. Praching for Total Commitment
Chapter 181. Speaking Into Crisis
Chapter 182. When the News Intrudes
Chapter 183. Redemptive Sermons for Weddings and Funerals
Chapter 184. The Landmark Sermon
Chapter 185. You Had to Bring It Up
Chapter 186. Preaching on Contemporary Issues.
Chapter 187. Preaching the Oh-So Delicate Subject
Chapter 188. Preaching Sex with Compassion and Conviction
Chapter 189. The Ever More Difficult Marriage Sermon
Chapter 190. When the Sermon Goes to Work.
Chapter 191. Bridging the Marketplace Gap
Chapter 192.Sermons on Giving That People Actually Like.
By the way I am still reading the book:" The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching, written by Haddon Robinson and Craig Brian Larson. God Bless

roger said...

Chapter 180, titled "Preaching for Total Commitment" is wriiten by Bill Hybels. Bro. Hybels explains that a total commitment to follow Jesus is not a welcome message, even Jesus found opposition for that message. Bro. Hybels says that although it is an unpopular message, still it needs to be preached. He mentions these guidelines (a) model it, you can't lead a congregation into total commitment if you are not willing to be committed, (b) preach from every angle, such as differences in religions, different subject matters, such as marriges, sicknesses,or money problems, (c) patiently let the spirit work, never limit the Holy Spirit on what can be accomplished (d) be ready to live with opposition, no matter the subject of the sermon there will be opposition.

roger said...

Speaking Into Crisis, written by Gordon MacDonald is the title to chapter 181. Mr. MacDonald speaks of two well known German pastors and the era of which they preached. Certainly when Adolf Hitler was Chancellor of Germany, it was a time of crisis. Bro. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a minister, would preach on the radio, until Hitler sympathizers cut him off. Boldly and directly Bonhoeffer continued to speak of the good things of God and of the blessings obedience would deliver.
Helmut Thielicke had a special and direct calling, he was to warn the German people of Hitler's philosophies and to sustain the people and to aid in rebuilding their lives after their crisis had seemed to pass. Both men continued in their ministry even unto death. What an inspiration Amen?

roger said...

In chapter 182 titled:" When the News Intrudes" written by Eric Reed. Bro. Reed talks about the national disasters and news headlines and how they effect sermons. He mentions that news, bad news, should be mentioned in the sermon but don't make the news the sermon. You have to be sensitive to the parishoners feelings but you still have to share God's love and his will with your audience. He mentions that a pastor really needs to be careful when using breaking news in any way, usually breaking news has to many flaws or the details might be wrong therefore damaging to an innocent victim's witness or feelings. Preaching crisis is still only temporal we must preach the eternal and be effective. The news can very easily fit in an introduction or very well in a conclusion, but not the sermon body. Praise the Lord!!

roger said...

Good morning to all, Chapter 184 is titled:" The Landmark Sermon", and is written by Jack Hayford. Bro. Hayford writes that a clear word at the right time can keep a church from pulling apart. These sermons are a defining moment of the church and it's leaders.
Bro. Hayford writes without these types of sermons there are no boundries, no banners in the sand, no vision or goals communicated, and these sermons establish policies and practices, beliefs and standards.
As a pastor these sermons would to me take a lot of trust, trusting that the congregation could accept this type of sermon, some might call it meddling, some call it finger pointing, and some may walk away angry. That is just my take, of course there are mature christians in our churches that would accept this and grow from it. Amen?

roger said...

Chapter 185 is written by Stuart Briscoe, and is titled:" You Had to Bring it Up" a chapter on controversial sermons and the effects they have on cogregations. Mr. Briscoe states that it is not hard to come up with a controversial sermon, after all look at the many choices that are made available on a day to day basis. Politics is probably one of the most controversial subjects a preacher could tackle, but you havr to be prepared for such a sermon both spiritually and personally. Mr. Briscoe tells us very plainly that you have to really study and know your facts, study to show thyself approved. Deliver such a sermon with sensitivity to those who might be hurt or offended, touch on humor but be cafeful even though humor is a great way to ease tension it can also come off as being insensitive, be sure to be balanced on the subject matter, give both sides of the argument but be sure that you also give the truth. Controversy something most people try to stay away from but it's something most pastors find themselves in the middle of more times than they would like. Well praise the Lord church day tomorrow, maybe I'll see you there! AMEN!!!

roger said...

I remember a couple of posts ago making this same statement, preach the bible not the news. Chapter 186 is written by Grant Lovejoy, and is titled:"Preaching on Contemporary Issues. When preaching on these kinds of issues you have got to preach how the bible relates to these issues. You should also ask yourself questions like, how will this sermon effect the church, or how will they react. You should consider the involvement of the congregation on these types of issues. It is also important to examine your status with your congregation, will they accept what you say or reject the issue altogether. Tough issues have to be addressed but consider your technique and your congregations resolve. Always preach the bible! AMEN!!!!

roger said...

Chapter 189 is titled:" The Ever More Difficult Marriage Sermon" , and it is written by Bob Russell. Bro. Russell admits that in today's society of many divorces and remarriages that it is difficult to preach on the subject of marriage and do it well. When preaching on marriage it is hard to include everyone, for example, some in the congregation have a great marriage, but sitting next to those are the ones that have been married two or three times, next to them are the ones with an appointment with a lawyer next week. So it is just hard to include everyone. Another difficulty in preaching about marriage is how you illustrate marriage, some illustrations would be painful for some, envious for others, and embarrassing for some, so you have to pick your illustrations wisely. It is always challenging to avoid making your marriage a model, Lord knows the challenges mine have faced, yet don't avoid the fact that you have made it work. Thank God for the model of marrige that he gave us. Amen

roger said...

Bob Russell pens chapter 192 and has titled it:" Sermons on Giving that People Actually Like". Sounds odd but this is what Bro. Russell wrote. Preaching on money generally will turn people off, but so does speaking on adultery, or forgiveness. Wording is very important, when you preach on stewardship, don't try to get the congregation to give to meet a budget, instead ask them to give for feeding the hungry, buying clothes for the needy, or taking the Gospel to a Third World country. Bro. Russell mentions five ways on preparing the congregation for stewardship type message:
(1) Don't apoligize
(2) Gain support from the church leaders before a series on money
(3) Include stewardship examples in a non stewardship message
(4) Emphasize that the funds are distributed with integrity
(5) Title sermons to communicate that they are about more than giving.
I was just thinking that a prayer wouldn't damage the situation either. AMEN & AMEN