Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Latest Update

Many of you know that I am involved in the founding of a new Christian college here in southern Illinois.
So, I am teaching Old Testament Survey at the moment, and the class will be available online this coming spring. You can go to to check out its availability.

Also, I have a speaking and writing ministry, and you can check it out at

As far as working with local pastors goes, I am working with one at present who is going through the process of becoming licensed as a minister. After that, he will be eligible for ordination. He is doing our study by reading and watching videos at present.

Also, I am serving as a consultant to a local church in the area that had nearly closed. We are performing some great experiements as I am their (acting) pastor at present. All the things we are doing as experiments are thoroughly biblical, so we are not afraid that we are doing something wrong.

Some of what we are doing bears some similarity to the concepts presented in Simple Church written by Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger and The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren. However, we are not copying any church. We are coming up with our version of how we are going to do church.

We have been blessed by the Lord sending some people to us, and we have baptized one young man three weeks into our experiment.

Last Sunday, a college student came and led our music. This Sunday, he is going to preach in the morning service.

We have a Sunday morning service, and we have started a small group that meets during the week.

Our philosophy is to: Love God. Love others. Prepare for ministry, and then engage in ministry. We have a simple church for a complex world. It is the little church with a big vision. Our main corporate focus is very simpe, but we have the opportunity to become very complex as people discover and engage in individual ministries. Future plans are to develop a network by which these individual ministries work together to accomplish larger tasks.

That's it for now.

I will update you from time to time about what is happening with this "great experiment."

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