Monday, April 28, 2008

End of Week 1

Today, we come to the end of week one. I trust all of you had wonderful days at church yesterday. We did.

Tyler, you have done an excellent job. Perhaps I misunderstood. I thought more of the people who took materials would be joining us in this online version of the course. We could all benefit if they would. However, since they have all already been ordained, perhaps their intent is to just look on. They can join us from time to time as visitors, and we will greatly benefit from their input.

If you are one of those just described, please do take the time to encourage Tyler by commenting on his comments. If you do not plan joining us full force, please do log on often and join in the conversation.

If you are someone who has really intended to do the online version of the course, please post your introduction today and beging commenting. You will need to give an introduction, and post 8 more comments. This may sound hard, but it is really a lot easier than you think. If you will look to the left of this post, you will see the archive. Look at the titles listed under April. Click on the bottom one that says something about "Hello, and Welcome." Work your way by reading each of the entries. Instructions about to make the course work will be given in those entries (Entries are called "posts.") You will learn how to sign and how to make comments.

Anyone planning to join the course as a student must do so by the end of the second week. After that it will be too late to catch up. The second week begins tomorrow. Our work week will run from Tuesday - Monday. Again, if you do not sign up as a full-fledged student, please do log on from time to time, comment on the posts that are already there, let us know what you are studying, and ask a question or two if you wish. The more interaction we can generate, the better the course will be.

Tyler, to finish this week, please post at least one more quality comment. Next week, we will get into the meat of the course. It has been so good to hear from you and to see your courage to begin this form of online learning. We can do this with just the two of us, but perhaps others will join in as we go along.

1 comment:

Tyler Owens said...

Today was a good day in the Lord! I am so happy to have a Saviour who loves me. He has really been awesome to me and my family. I have been reading my book quite a bit. I have just learned about Peter and the early church. It is amazing to me that God kept the church growing so rapidly despite all the persecution that was against it. I really don't know(and wouldn't want to know) what it would be like without the church. It is how I get filled from week to week!

Thank you, Bro. Randy for the kind comments. I really look forward to hearing some of your instruction.God bless you.
