Saturday, April 26, 2008

Three More Days

Good Morning,

This is the day that many of you will be able to catch up. I realize that when we talked about this last Tuesday night that it may not have registered that we really need to get started. If we are going to be able to have these courses available when we need them, we will need to exercise diligence. The course itself with the weekly logging on will spread this task into manageable chunks. The best thing to do is to log on every day for five days out of the week. Our class weeks run from 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday morning to midnight on the following Monday. Most preachers find this will work with their schedule. Nine posts a week is quite manageable if you log on and post two comments a day on most days. (My actual experience in the past has been that we usually get into the dscussions and find ourselves making many more comments than that.)

The exciting thing about posting is when you start to comment on each other's comments. Somebody please comment on one of Tyler's comments. This week is almost unlimited when it comes to getting used to posting. You do need to post an introduction, but the rest of your comments can be in response to something that has already been posted.

Look to the left at the "Blog Archive." Under "April." start at the bottom post that says "Hello and Welcome to the Preachers' Meeting." Click on those words. Read that post and then work your way back up to this one, by clicking on each of them under the archive. You can comment on any of those along the way. Some of the posts that Tyler and I have made in the last few days will give you help as to how to do this. If you work your way through the list at the left by reading all the posts before you make a comment, return to the post that says, "Randy Carney--Introduction," and click on the comment section at the bottom, and post your own introduction below mine and Tyler's. Then, if you would like, you could return to the comment screen and make some comment on any of our comments--just like I commented on Tyler's introduction. After that, just go to any comment section and make any comments you like.

It would really be good if we got a discussion going under the comments section of "Week 1 Posts," but you can actually make your comments anywhere this week.

If you have the option at the top of your screen to make a new post, I would like to see someone try that. (Again, that may not be possible for you.)

If you are just starting today, Saturday, I would suggest that you make it a goal to post six comments during this session. (Remember a quality comment needs to be at least three sentences long, but the content can be almost unlimited this week as we are getting used to doing this.) Because of the nature of our scheduling, we must cut off enrollment by the end of the second week. If you post six times today, it will be easy to get the other three in by midnight Monday.

Why should you do this? My experience with this type of learning is that one of the greatest values of these types of classes has come from the interaction of the students as they wrestled with the topic. My role as the instructor will be to be sort of a "guide on the side." You will largely be responsible for the direction of the course. I will, however, in these daily posts, sometimes ask us to sharpen and focus our discussions. You will see as we go along.

Here are some questions that might help you to get started if you are at a loss as to what comments to make in addition to your introduction:

Have you been in ministry long?
Have you pastored before?
Have you been in music ministry?
Are you a computer whiz:)?
Do you have any apprehensions about taking this course?
Are you married?
Do you have children?
If you are bi-vocational, what other type of work do you do?
What course are you watching the DVD's for?
What book or books will you be reading for this course?
Do you have a question for some of your fellow students?
Do you have a humorous comment that could brighten our day?
And so on......

Have a good day. This will get really exciting if we jump into it,

Bro. Randy


Tyler Owens said...

Hello and praise the Lord! This has been a great day in the Lord. My wife,Audra, came home from a week-long trip for her new job last night. It was storming pretty bad, but God got her home safely. The Lord sure is good!!! It doesn't surprise me because He always comes through in the clutch! Just wanted to give Him glory. He is awesome!!!!


Tyler Owens said...

I just wanted to give a comment on the book that I am reading. It is really neat to me that God made four Gospels with different approaches in the writing. He made a way to reach all people with the different styles. I think that we should have and use different ways to try and get people saved. What kind of techniques do you use to present the Gospel message?


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler - You have got the hang of this. I just wanted to point out that your use of asking a question at the end of your post can be very helpful. You are doing well even if you don't have other students' comments to baounce off of at the moment. - Randy

Tyler Owens said...

This is going to be an amazing experience. God is once again showing His power. I am thankful for my church and my pastor. As I was reading my book, I thought about some of Jesus' miracles. I like it when He raised Jairus' daughter, He put out the people who didn't believe. I think that we lose out on some of His blessings when we have trouble with unbelief. We should be like the man with the demon-possessed son and pray for help with our unbelief. That is just what has been on my mind this afternoon and I thought that I would share it you. Praise His Name!!!


Tyler Owens said...

Hello to all. I have just got home from church. I have been reading about the final week of Jesus' life. I am amazed by how He stayed within God's will even when it could have been so easy to stop what was hapening to Him. It must have been a terrible burden to know that all the sin of the world was on your back! I couldn't even imagine the pain that He was feeling. We should never forget what He has done.


Tyler Owens said...

I have been really praying for some more people to comment. I am really looking forward to this experience. I hope that someone will be able to answer some of my questions. I also hope that something that I said will cause some discussion and provoke some meditation. It sure has for me. Well, that is all for now. Keep on for Jesus!!!
