Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanks for the Feedback

I was curious as to how you would respond to the 8-week format or the 5-week format.

Since you both said the 8-week is better (I liked that better too), we will go with that next time.

I really need to be off until next Monday, so we will start again next Tuesday. Of course you can read ahead until then.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!


Monday, November 24, 2008

Course Wrap Up

Please give information on which you like better, the eight-week format, or the five-week format?

This is the last day for this course.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Two More Days

I have sent your grades for weeks 2-4.

You both already have enough points to pass the course. This week will just be involved in earning enough points to get close to 100.

The test that was mentioned would be helpful for future courses. Also, I would give you 4 points for comments about how the five week course did or did not work for you.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 5

Fellows, sorry I missed the meeting Tuesday night. We will go ahead and finish this out as week 5, but the comments on your new material will count. I had a Chemistry unit for a course that I was writing that was way behind deadline. I also am way behind on your grading. You probably know how you are doing based upon the information given in the grading opportunities post. Writing some of those test questions would have been really helpful for future students. Since you have switched material you may not be able to do that.

We also need to evaluate whether you prefer 8 week courses or 4 or 5 week courses. (We've never tried a four-week one.) We originally started by following a simplified version of the courses offered through Rockbridge Seminary.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Week 5 Sean's Topics

Week 5 Tyler's Topics

Week 5 Ed's Topics

End of Week 4

Today is the end of week 4. Tyler is probably finished with the content of his book. For week 5, it would be helpful if each of you did come up with test questions as mentioned in the "Grading Opportunities" even if you have already reached your desired score of 80 (minimum) or 100+ (with bonuses). Sean, you may be finished, too, with your chapters. If not, please comment on the final one during the next week. I think Ed may be going with the option of just confirming that he has read the book.

I really do look forward to reading your comments and interacting with you. Sorry I haven't been as active in the last week.

I will go ahead and put up posting areas for each of you.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Revival and Ramblings

How was your revival (at Grange hall)? I know I read some comments about it. We are having our Fall Festival tonight. I have a feeling we may freeze--of course, maybe that is just the "old bones" speaking. I'm sure the kids will enjoy it.

When God was silent for 400 years, He did show up in a spectacular way. I guess we should be reminded that He will show up in a spectacular way once again. Life in the millenium or eternity (depending on your eschatology) will be radically different from what we know now. Even so, Lord Jesus, come!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Review of Grading Opportunities

The course will alow you to accumulate 100 points over the five week term.

Here is how you will accumulate your points:

(1) You will receive one point for each day you login during the week (maximum of 5 per week).

(2) You will receive two points for each quality post you make during the week (maximum of 20 per week). (Quality posts are defined as being on topic and at least three sentences long. Yes, the number three is arbitrary. Be creative if you have to. Most of the time, that requirement will get you rolling into much longer posts. One liners and humorous side comments are encouraged, but they will be in addition to the "quality posts," as defined above. (One liners and side comments can really spice up a cours :)).

(3) During the term, develop an objective-type test composed of 5 True-False questions, 5 multiple-choice questions, 5 completion (fill in the blank) questions and 5 matching items. Provide a score key for the test that also lists the page numbers where the answers to your questions are found. This will be worth 20 points.

This will give a student the option to accumulate 100 points plus 20 bonus points.

Any student who accumulates 80 points during the term will receive a satisfactory for the course. Since we have repeatedly said we will not "fail" anyone in this process. Only satisfactory grades will be recorded. (We have two other methods of documentation: "R" which means the student read the material, and "W" which means the student watched the DVD's.)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Week 4 Sean's Topics

Sean will put his intial posts here, and we will respond to them.

Week 4 Tyler's Topics

Tyler will put up his initial posts here, and we will respond to them.

Week 4 Ed's Topics

Ed will place his initial topics here, and we will respond to them in this area.

Week 4 posting area

We are beginning week 4 of our five week experiment.

I will put up three new posting areas for you again.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Catch-up Time

While we encourage posting at least 5 days a week, we do understand that sometimes there will be revivals and full weekends. Tomorrow is the last day of week 3. You will be able to catch up on your posting then. The only trouble with doing this in one day is that it defeats the purpose of our engaging in an online discussion that also helps us to be able to apply the things we are reading. Since Sean has some earlier posts, I do encourage the rest of you to respond to some of the things he has written. You will try to catch up on posting, and I will try to catch up on grading!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Quarterly Meeting

I Hope to see you all at the Quarterly Meeting this weekend. It's always a time of refreshing. Have a good day! I now I'm behind on posting last weekk's grade. Will try to catch up.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Week 3

Post your comments for week 3 in your posting areas. We need the title of your book, and the titles of the chapters (about 1/5 or 1/4 of your book) that we will be covering this week.

I hope you are having a great Revival at Grange Hall this week.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Overcoming Vanity

We talked about the vanity menitiond in the book of Ecclesiastes earlier this week. Then we talked about the change that comes when a person accepts Chirst into his or her life.

Recently, I heard from a young lady who has experienced both sides. She had that "clueless" vanity or emptiness that we all have before we realize the emptiness of it all without Christ. A couple of years ago, she accepted the Lord.

She moved to a different state for a while, then moved back here. A lot transpired during that time, and she drifted and slipped away from her commitment to the Lord. So, she once again realized the emptiness of living life without a relationship to Christ. She repented and rededicated her life. It's good to know that we can "come home" when we come to our senses.

We who know Christ are all tempted from time to time to return to the "beggarly elements of this life." We would do well to remember that doing so is simply vanity.

(By vanity, I meann meaninglessness, hopelessness or emptiness--not "being sold on yourself.)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wow! Look at the Trees

It seems like it ia happening a little later this year, but this looks like the weekend to drive around and look at the trees. I drove three miles from my house to the post offie. Since I live in a rural area, I saw many beautiful trees, along with several fields upon which crops are grown. The sights were spectacular!

When we see what God has Created, it becomes so apparent that there is a designer behind it all.

When we realize there is a Creator, and we become willing to submit our lives to Him--which is not a burdensome thing to do--we begin to realize that life has a purpose. This causes us to move from vanity to meaning.