Monday, November 3, 2008

Overcoming Vanity

We talked about the vanity menitiond in the book of Ecclesiastes earlier this week. Then we talked about the change that comes when a person accepts Chirst into his or her life.

Recently, I heard from a young lady who has experienced both sides. She had that "clueless" vanity or emptiness that we all have before we realize the emptiness of it all without Christ. A couple of years ago, she accepted the Lord.

She moved to a different state for a while, then moved back here. A lot transpired during that time, and she drifted and slipped away from her commitment to the Lord. So, she once again realized the emptiness of living life without a relationship to Christ. She repented and rededicated her life. It's good to know that we can "come home" when we come to our senses.

We who know Christ are all tempted from time to time to return to the "beggarly elements of this life." We would do well to remember that doing so is simply vanity.

(By vanity, I meann meaninglessness, hopelessness or emptiness--not "being sold on yourself.)

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