Friday, May 29, 2009

This Term's Topics

Church Growth
Old Testament Survey: Poetry and Prophecy
The New Testament: Its Background and Message
The Bible Jesus Read

Those are what we are studying this time. Three books about the Bible and one practical ministry book.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thanks for the Introductions

Thanks for the introductions. I think it is great that the Lord will use us in whatever way he sees fit. May the Lord bless our study this time.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Course 8 Week 1 Main Comments Area

Please post your introductions (unless you did it under the other post), initial comments, questions, social comments, jokes, etc. in the section below.

This term we are going to try to have your comments all mixed together, just to see how that will work. If it does not work well, we will go back to setting up your individual topic areas.

Course 8 Week 1

As always, our first week is an introduction week.

We often use it to just get used to posting and finding our way around.

Most of us have already introduced ourselves several times. You may go back and find an earlier inroduction and just copy and paste it here again. You do need to have one comment telling about yourself.

I have been involved in a writing/speaking/missions ministry for the last several weeks. It has been great to see the Lord provide our needs during this time. Also, a possible trip to Mexico now really is planned for July 6-18th. That's a little about me. What about you?

If you want to start with your book this week. Divide the number of chapters in the book by 8, and that will tell you how many to deal with this week. If you wish to wait till next week to start on it, you will have to divide the number of chapters by 7 at the beginning of that week.

Your first post for you book should give the title of the book and the chapter titles (like the table of contents.) When everyone does this, we have an idea of the overview of each think you are studying.

Basically, though, this week, any comment you make that is 3 or more sentences long will earn points.

So, have fun. Give testimonies. Share prayer requests. "Razz" each other.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Course 7--Last Day!

This is the last day of course 7. All posts need to be in by midnight.

It has been good to have all of you participating. We will start again on Course 8 this Wednesday.

I trust your study has been a blessing this term.

Course 7--Last Day!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Winding up--the practical issues.

Roger and Corey, your courses were a little more on the technical side of things, while, Sean and Tyler, yours were a little more on the practical side of things. However, everything we study can make a difference. As a result of taking your courses, what difference will what you have learned make in yours or someone else's lives? Or, what difference CAN what you have learned make, even if it is not something you can immediately put into practice?

Was there anything you learned that you put into practice in your own ministry during the last eight weeks?

Is there anything on the topics covered that you wish the author or instructor would have covered in more detail? If so, what?

If you would like, you can incoporate some of this thinking into your final comments for this week.

Friday, May 22, 2009

New Course

It will be time to start a new course next Wednesday. I look forward to the "live" preachers' meeting Tuesday night. The last one, where the deacons joined us was great! Bro. Andy Lee will be teaching this time.

Let me know if you need a break or if you will continue on the next term.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Course 7 Wrap Up

Here is your assignment for the course wrap up.

Answer the following four questions.

1. In your own words of one sentence (or a very short paragraph), what was your course about as a whole?

2. What were three important words in your course?

3. What did you think those words meant before you looked them up in the dictionary? Did your thinking about the meaning of the word change as you went through the course? If so, give your changed definition. What dictionary definition seemed to be closes to your guess for the meaning for each word. Do this for each of three words.

4. What were the major parts of this course for you? (How was the marerial divided up? Don't divide and divide. You should be able to identify any where from 2 to 7 major divisions in your course material. If you need help with this one, email me.

Place your finished course wrap-up assignments in the comments section below. This is worth four points.

Week 8 Corey, Roger, Sean, and Tyler's Posts

This week, I am asking all of you to post under this section. Place your initial posts, questions and answers to questions here.

Course 7 Week 8

Hello, Everyone,

I am trying to send you emails that will catch up informatin about your grades.

This week, you will need to do your two initial posts as always. This should finish up your materials. Ask a question early in the week. We need all those bonus points!

If you have not completed the "word-detective assignment" for this term yet, you need to do that this week.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Catch Up Time!

Good morning everyone,

Another storm last night! Hope you all made it well through it.

We can play "catch-up time" now.

Please get your initial posts in for this week: the ones about the titles of your chapters. If you haven't completed the word-detective assignment from an earlier week, you need to get that in. This week's assignment is to try to state what one of your chapters or video lessons was about in one complete sentence.

Have a great day!

Power Back On

Most of us should have our power back on by now. We need to get back into making posts unless tonight's storm takes things out again!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Inland Hurricane

We have had such high winds here, over 100 MPH at times, that many of us have been without power and ways to get online. This is my first day back, and I am only doing this by way of a generator.

If that was the case for you, let me know. We will make some adjustments for the schedule change last week and the first part of this one.

Hope you all are doing well.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Word Detective Assignment--An Example

Word Detective--An Example

What does this completed "word-detective assignment" look like?

Tyler has provided a great example:

He said,

"I have only found two words that I did not understand.

"1. papacy
guess- something ran by one man
2nd guess- somethin to do with
the pope
definition- the system of ecclesiastical government in which teh pope is recognized as the supreme head

"2. magisterial
guess- simple state of something
2nd guess- headed by a person of
definition- of, pertaining to, or befitting a master, authoritative; weighty; of importance or consequence"

You can see that his guesses did relate to the dictionary definitions, but they (his wording) is a little easier to understand. You also see he grasped the basic meanings. (It would have been O.K. even if he completely missed the dictionary meanings. In that case, he would have really learned something in the process.)

Here is my response:

"Very good, Tyler,

"You get the prize for the first on the word assignment.

"You can just pick out a third word. It can be one that you do think you understand.

"Still do the steps: Write the word; write your definition; see if your definition fits as it is used in the chapter; then compare your understanding with a dictionary definition. Sometimes even familiar words are given more specific meanings during this process. Sometimes not, but we usually go through the process at least once during the term because sometimes you may find a word that is very hard to find in a dictionary, or the dictionary meaning might relate to a different field. You also sometimes "firm up" the meaning of the word as you go through the process.

"Good job on the two you have done. I hope everyone else learns from your example. Everyone should read the comment at the bottom of the assignment post too. That tells how to do this if you have already read your chapter."

For our focused response postings this week, continue on with your discussion, and be sure to include your results of the assignment. (For those who need it, you can get three posts out of this also if you do a post for each word.)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Word-Detective Assignment

Yesterday, I mentioned about finding the important words in any writing or communication. Review that post to identify those types of words.

Here is the assignment.

Pick three important words. You may have an idea of what they mean or they may be completely unfamiliar to you.

Step 1 -- without consulting a dictionary, write down the important word.
Step 2 -- based on the context in a sentence, (like replacing the word with a blank underline--like a "fill-in-the-blank question), write down your first impression of what the word means in this chapter.
Step 3 -- each time you come across the word again, see if your first impression or guess still fits. If so, go on. If not, write down an alternate meaning for the word or refine your original guess. If you do refine it, write down the second guess, etc. Keep doing that until you come to the end of the chapter.
Step 4 -- look up the word in the dictionary AFTER GOING THROUGH THE ABOVE STEPS. Compare the different different definitions the dictionary gives to your final guess as to a definition of the word. Write down the one that is the closest. (Most of the time you will find that you did at least get close. If not, still write down your guess and a dictionary definition--and chalk things up to experience.)

So, your final report for this assignment will be like this:
1. word 2. original guess 3. subsequent guesses if the original changes any 4. final guess 5. dictionary definition that most closely matches your homemade definition (if there is one close--if not, write down the one you think matches best to what the author was talking about.)

Do this for three different words.

(Yes, these reports do count toward your required number of posts for the week.)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Course 7 Week 6--Important Words

When you are studying any writing, it is important to identify the important words in a document? They obviously are the words that are used to describe the central meaning of the writing. They fall into several categories:

(1) The major words in a descriptive title (not necessarily those in a "cute" title, those that are in a title that really describes the theme of the writing. This is not to say that "cute" titles should never be used.)

(2) Common words that are emphasized by the author.

(3) Common words that the author is using in a specialzed way. He may be using the word in a different way from its common meaning.

(4) For each reader, the most important words, for him or her, are the words that are unfamiliar. It it is a word he has never heard of, that, of course is important to him because he needs to be able to understand it to understand the rest of the document. It may also be a word that he has a vague idea of the meaning.

This week, as I do each term, I am encouraging you to become a "word detective." I will tell you how to do that in tomorrow's post. (Those of you who have taken the course before know how to do this, so you could begin today if you wish.)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Great Quarterly Meeting

We had a great Quarterly Meeting this weekend. Bro. Tyler, Bro. Dale, and Bro. Andy brought wonderful, inspiring, and challenging messages. We also congratulate those who were licensed as ministers and deacons today.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Academic Posts and Social Comments

Sometimes we make purely social comments that are not related to the academics. Those are great, and they really spice up the conversation, but they sometimes do not count toward the minimum number of required academic posts. Bro. Roger's comment, listed below this paragraph, however, shows how to combine a social comment with the material we are studying. These types of posts do work.

Here is that good example: "Hey Sean, hope every thing is ok on your end, missed you last week, and I saw your post was on good preaching, last night at the preacher/deacons meeting we heard some good preaching, Bro. Eddy Donaldson broght a good message and inspiring one at that. Don't you think good preaching is like throwing gas on a fire?"

See, Sean's academic post was on good preaching, and Roger's post was relevant to Sean's comment.

Corey has been doing some other writing. If he can show a creative correlation between what he is writing and what some of you are studying, he can cut and paste and get double mileage out of some of what he has already written.

For response posting instructions this week, have some fun and see if you can make some more of these posts that relate the academic material you are studying to social comments or events.

I look forward to Quarterly Meeting this weekend at Unity. Tyler, we also are looking forward to hearing you preach tonight!