Friday, May 1, 2009

Academic Posts and Social Comments

Sometimes we make purely social comments that are not related to the academics. Those are great, and they really spice up the conversation, but they sometimes do not count toward the minimum number of required academic posts. Bro. Roger's comment, listed below this paragraph, however, shows how to combine a social comment with the material we are studying. These types of posts do work.

Here is that good example: "Hey Sean, hope every thing is ok on your end, missed you last week, and I saw your post was on good preaching, last night at the preacher/deacons meeting we heard some good preaching, Bro. Eddy Donaldson broght a good message and inspiring one at that. Don't you think good preaching is like throwing gas on a fire?"

See, Sean's academic post was on good preaching, and Roger's post was relevant to Sean's comment.

Corey has been doing some other writing. If he can show a creative correlation between what he is writing and what some of you are studying, he can cut and paste and get double mileage out of some of what he has already written.

For response posting instructions this week, have some fun and see if you can make some more of these posts that relate the academic material you are studying to social comments or events.

I look forward to Quarterly Meeting this weekend at Unity. Tyler, we also are looking forward to hearing you preach tonight!

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