Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Course 8 Week 2 Main Posting Area

Everyone posting in the same area seemed to work last week, so we will continue to do that.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler, you have two bonus points carried over from last week. Roger, you have used all your bonus points from previous weeks. Sean, you have one bonus point carried over from last week.
Corey, you had no bonus points to carry over.

Corey G. said...

This week I'll be reading chapter 1: Is the Old Testiment Worth the Effort? And the Preface. Well truthfully I have already read them because this book is REALLY interesting.

Corey G. said...

The Preface talks mainly about what the book is about and what he was thinking of writing in it. Of course thats most prefaces(if not all). In it he explains the books he will cover: History, Prophets, Poetry, and wisdom lit., or in other words : Job Deuteronomy, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and The Prophets

Dr. Randy Carney said...


You are the early bird this week!

roger said...

Well I've had to switch studies instead of the O.T. survey I started , I will be reading a book written by Henry and Tom Blackaby titled, The Man God Uses.

roger said...

This week I will be reading chapter one in Henry and Tom Blackaby's book "The Man God Uses".The title of chapter one is " The Character of the Man God Uses"

sremery said...

My course this round is a book titles "The New Testament: Its Background & Message" by Thomas Lea & David Black. I will do 3 chapters a week.
Ch 4- The Canon,Text, and Genre of the NT
Ch 5- Learning About Jesus
Ch 6- The Synoptic Problem

Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is CHURCH GROWTH. The instructor is Terry Forrest. I will be watching three DVDs this week. The title of my book is SURPRISING INSIGHTS FROM THE UNCHURCHED. The author is Thom S. Rainer. I will be reading two chapters this week.

3. Relationships That Click

6. Impressed By First Impressions

Tyler Owens said...

The first chapter for this week is called "Relationships that Click". It is about the stats of those who came to church because a relative or friend invited them. Fifty-seven percent of formerly unchurched people said that relationships had a big part in choosing a church.

roger said...

In the book written by Henry and Tom Blackaby titled "The Man God Uses",chapter one is titled," The Character of the Man God Uses', the authors talk about the eight qualities of good character and they are as follows;
1. Holiness
2. A Pure Heart
3. A Contrite Heart
4. Fear of God
5. Faithfulness
6. Obedience
7. Seeks and Loves God
8. Servant of the Lord

Dr. Randy Carney said...

57 % is a clear majority. Isn't it, Tyler. That many say that relationships had a part in getting them to come to church.
What about all of us? Did relationships play a part in our coming to church--or did we decide to attend a church from some other reason?

In my case, of course, my parents took me to church--so, relationships played a part. Another thing, though, is that one of my best friends in grade school attended our church. Another one attended church, just a couple of miles further away. After that, my circle of friends seemed to be formed from people (kids) whose families went to church.

Corey G. said...

Ok, the auther of this book begins with explaining the importance of the Old Testiment. But because some people can't understand it, they tend to avoid, or pick and choose. Then he says that this can backfire for the reason that they don't get the whole story!!!!(which I will add many athiests today do just that to try to destroy the bible, problem is, they miss the road of spikes infront of that, and end up running in to a problem, sometimes draggings others with them, what i mean by that is because they only read that small insert they then no NOTHING about the situation at hand which can ultimately change something from being wrong to right, or vise versa.)

Corey G. said...

He also explains that neither testiment is enough. In other words, neither testiment is complete without the other. The old Testiment might be 3/4ths of the bible, but its only half of the story(ironic but true). The old testiment is the preface, and the new testiment is the end, and ultimately enough the beginning as well(the end of the Bible in whole, but the Beginning of finding Life, and knowing God more itimately.)(I add that some of that I added to as my own thought on the situation, I could be wrong though.)

sremery said...

Ch 4 talks breifly on the texts of the NT and which ones were cannonized. It said it took hundreds of years for them to be officially cannonized. They had to be written by an apostle or someone under one, and had to be "inspired" by God. They also mention that Revelations was disputed more that any. Also Hebrews and 2 Peter because they didnt know for sure who wrote them.

sremery said...

It also spoke of synagouges, if I read it right, they were formed from group of Jews that couldnt go to the temple because of location. They claim that Jesus taught at these around the temple because gentiles were only allowed in the outer parts of the temple. I found it interesting that as they described what they done at the synagouge, it is very similiar to what we do in church now. Synagouge is greek for church, but I guess I wasnt aware that the structure of our services were modeled after this.

sremery said...

After reading the book Tyler is reading this time, the things they describe thet works seemed obvious. I feel I've been fortunate to be a part of a church that has been growing. I could agree with what the book said. But my question is, whats the formula to keep it going?

Tyler Owens said...

The nest DVD talks about three different types of people. First, there is the exclusivist who believes that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. There is also teh pluralist who thinks that there are multiple ways to heaven. Thirdly, there is the inclusivist, or universalist, that believes that Jesus is the way unless someone has never heard of Him. I bet you can guess what we are.

Tyler Owens said...

I think a lot about church growth in general. I think one of the fall-backs that we have is we don't take time to get to know visitors and new members. We sometimes fall into the trap of just staying with our "little groups". I hope that I can be better at getting to know people that I don't know that well. What do you guys think about ways we can help our churches grow?

sremery said...

The list Roger put up looks tough, but I strive to be all those. The only way to have the 1st 2 is have Jesus in your heart. Do we ask God to use us, and how often? Have you feared asking Him use you?

Corey G. said...

That list is hard I agree, but which one do each of you think is the hardest? I think Obedience is the hardest myself.

Corey G. said...

He also covers in the book the lack of knowledge proclaimed Christians have of the old testiment. One example is half of all american adults cannot recognize Genesis as the first book of the Bible. And 14% think Joan of Ark was Noahs wife!

Corey G. said...

That second one reflects two problems with us today. The first is the lack of knowledge of the Old Testiment(which is why im doing this thing I'm calling 'The Old Testiment Fast' which I will be keeping record of all knowledge i didnt previously know or knew as much about.). And two the lack of knowledge in COMMON history(which reflects our poor school system)

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Corey, you have three bonus points for this week.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger,you have two bonus points for this week.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, you have three bonus points for this week.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler, you have three bonus points for this week.

Tyler Owens said...

I think that most of us are afraid to ask God to use us. What are we afraid of? I think that we are afraid that He may ask us do do something for Him. I try to be better at listening for the Lord to tell me to do something than I used to be. I hope to be like Isaiah when he said, "Here I am, send me".

Tyler Owens said...

There are two times when relationships helped me to choose a church. When I first got back to the Lord, I went to the same church that my dad went to. I was there for a while when I met Kevin McNeely at a revival. I was impressed by his preaching and his heart for people. Something told me that he would be my pastor someday. I am thankful to God that He has sent me to where I am!

roger said...

In Henry Blackaby's book "The Man God Uses",chapter one deals with the character of the man God uses, character being who you are when no one is looking and what you are willing to stand for when someone is looking. To have strong christian character is the result of your heart's desire to obey God.

sremery said...

In CH 5 of my book it discusses the theories on when Jesus was born thru scripture and moon phases. They conclude that they aren't sure what season Jesus was born. They seem sure that it wasn't in the winter. Te year I think they conclused was 7-8 B.C. I cant be positive because the book is in the house and I'm in the office.

sremery said...

They also discuss the length of his ministry. They go by who was ruling at the time and John mentions Jesus being at 3 different passover feasts. But in the end they figure 3 years. They say that John includes more of his Judean ministry than the other Gospels.

sremery said...

It talks a little about other writings about Jesus that are not the Bible. They aren't many, one is the writings of Josephus. Another talks of Jesus but as a passing phrase and is described as mystical. I believe it was from someone in Greece. I've wondered myself why God chose to bring His plan of salvation into the world this way. Why it wasnt "global" I guess is what I mean. We can look back and see it well enough, but what of the people then or before.
I resolve myself to figure that God is the ultimate judge and He defintely knows what He's doing, and Romans 1 says that man has no excuse. It makes sense to me, but I guess that "Farther Along", well know all about it. Any thoughts on this?

sremery said...

On the subject of Randy's question, my parents took me to church and it was always a part of my life in some way. I'm sure that has a lot to do with why I went back. One thing about relationships in the church is that after I left Grange Hall and came back 10 -12 years later. I appreciated the relationships with the ones I had with them in a way I had never thought before. It was good, thats the only way I can desrcibe it.

Tyler Owens said...

I think about the same thing that you mentioned, Sean. I do think that it is interesting how the book of Acts is set up. It starts by stating Jesus' great commission to start in Judea and then spread to the ends of the earth. At the end of the book, the gospel is spread all the way to the "center of the world" at that time. It is neat, though, that we are still working on the "ends of the earth" part.

Tyler Owens said...

I am excited about VBS coming up next week. I am so glad that God is allowing me to help out. I thank God for those who have a heart to increase the kingdom of God. The children are the future church and they need all the guidence that they can get.

Corey G. said...

Is God Really Good? that is one of the questions asked in Chapter 1. One show that he is good is the convenent he made with the jews.

Corey G. said...

The next one he shows is Christs sacrafice. I've always heard that the cross is the proof of His love. This i agree with for the fact that i dont see many people being crusified for thoughs they hate.

Corey G. said...

At the end of Philip Yancey's Father-in-laws' life, his father-in-law went through a big spiritual battle.(i might add he lived a great life serving Christ.) Near the end his life seemed like clear rebelion, but it produced so much faith in his life! So sometimes thoughs 'faithless' times, are like thoughs times where God reveals things to you that increase your faith.