Monday, June 8, 2009

Course 8 Week 3 Main Posting Area

You may use the comments section below for your comments for week three after midnight on Monday, June 8.


sremery said...

My course this round is a book titled "The New Testament: Its Background & Message" by Thomas Lea & David Black. I will do 3 chapters a week. They are as follow: Ch 7- The 4 Gospels
Ch 8- The Birth, Childhood, and Early Ministry of Jesus
Ch 9- Jesus' Ministry in Around Galilee

sremery said...

Ch 7 gives a brief history on each of the Gospels. It starts with the authorship, then the features of each, then and outline. One feature of Matthew is he says Kingdom of Heaven instead of Kingdom of God. They state that its because Jews wouldnt say "God". With Mark they conclude it was probobly the 1st written, but authorship is debated a little. There is also debate on the last of Mark, early forms stop at verse 9.

Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is CHURCH GROWTH. The instructor is Terry Forrest. I will be watching three DVDs this week. The title of my book is SURPRISING INSIGHTS FROM THE UNCHURCHED. The author is Thom S. Rainer. I will be reading two chapters this week.

5. Why They Returned and Stayed

6. Doctrine Really Matters

Tyler Owens said...

The first DVD was aabout a few reasons why some churches are so weak and fragile. The first reason is they are not obeying biblical mandate. The second reason is they are not centered around evangelism. Another problem is that they don't want to admit that they have lost their focus.

sremery said...

I was suprised at the subject of doctrine. It makes sense that somebody thats searching for the truth is going to connect if the church or pastor is preaching it and is clear on it. Does it give any example of what being clear on it is?

roger said...

This week I will read chapter two of the book written by Henry and Tom Blackaby titled "The Man God Uses". Chapter two is titled,"How God Shapes a Man".

roger said...

There are many ways God shapes us. He can shape us through life experiences whether good or bad he can use those time to shape us. He can shape us through blessings,through a crisis, or through tragedies. As a matter of fact God can use anything that happens in our lives to shape us. The question is, are you shapable? The key to being shapable is the condition of your heart.

Corey G. said...

This week I will be reading chapter 2. It is titled Job: Seeing In The Dark. I'm guessing its about the book of Job.

Corey G. said...

It begins with talking about what everyone thinks Job is about. Which everyone thinks is Suffering. And to a point it is, but it shows its more than that.

Tyler Owens said...

It does not talk about any particular doctrine. I think that the research team as well as the author leans more toward Southern Baptist. Most of the people that he talks to are from that demonination. I think that the idea is more focused on a church having a clear doctrine that they stand on.

Tyler Owens said...

I have to say that I think that every minister should read this book. It is full of good info on ways to reach lost people. Do you guys have any ideas that might help us win people to Jesus?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Corey, what is the name of your book again?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Corey, and Roger,

I got half-way through the book of Job with you. That's one reason I'm glad you are (or have read) reading this book. Job does let us know that things we might not understand may come our way.

sremery said...

I feel joyful when I think about God shaping us by our experiences. Its something that proves to me that theres something great behind this thing we describe as life. No one lives the exact life. To me , that cannot be an accident. But in thinking of our experiences, does God allow them, or orchestrate them?

sremery said...

In ch 8, so far its putting a timeline together of Jesus' life with all the gospels. Nothing else is used so far to do this except scripture. It does mention how Matt. & Luke start with a geneology, but John starts with before there was anything, Jesus was there.

sremery said...

When we've discussed the book of Job, I think it is ultimatley about faith #1 & #2 perserverence. Jb had no clue what was going on, BUT, showed both of these and was double blessed. I'm not sure but I think its in Job that says "Mans days are few and full of troubles". Truer words were never spoken. Suffering to some extent is inevitable. Its how we face them is what will shape us.

Corey G. said...

Its called 'The Bible Jesus Read'. Its by Philip Yancey. Its pretty good.

Corey G. said...

Roger whats the favorite thing about the book your reading?

Corey G. said...

In the book he talks about many peoples wonders about the book and thats 'why is the reason this is happening to Job revealed at the beginning?'. Which is actually a pretty good question. But in it he brings up 'that it would change the whole meaning behind Job'.

Tyler Owens said...

I have always heard that Job was the oldest book in the Bible. I find it interesting that Job started asking for a mediator that he could plead his case to. What Job yearned for is what we have available to us through Jesus Christ. Isn't that AWESOME?

Tyler Owens said...

We just got home from VBS. It was our last night. Tomorrow is commencement. I hope you guys will pray for any lost people that may be there. I hope we can reach at least one family. That's what it is all about.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Thanks, Corey,

Tyler, I do hope you will be able to reach several for Christ through you VBS commencement.

Corey G. said...

Another thing the chapter talks about is Jobs friends. How they tell Job that 'he sinned and thats why all this is happening,' even though Job knew he had not. And that honestly the best thing that his friends did for him is just be there silently by him.

Corey G. said...

Well through a big portion of the book Jobs friends were sitting there blaiming Job. Even though their arguments made sence Job still said 'I have not done anything', till the very end. Well near the end when God makes his entrance God lets Jobs friends have it, because they were wrong about Jobs suffering!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hey, Corey,

You got your picture added. Great!

You are becoming a pro this go around!

Corey G. said...

It also shows how job is viewing God. He is viewing him as a person who punishes the good and the wicked. Even though he sees God like this, he never forsakes God.

Corey G. said...

When God appears in Job, He comes like a whirlwind. Then starts talking about the grand creation he has made. After that Job cryed for saying what he had, and was sorry for it as well.

Corey G. said...

Oh, and bro. Randy, the last weeks I couldn't find a picture to put up or I would have.

sremery said...

Ch9 discusses Jesus' ministry. it puts in chronological order of all the Gospels the best it can. One of the discussions is on the sermon on the mount. One book says it was on a mountain, Another says it was on flat ground. They conclude that it was a flat area on the mountainside. It also mentions that a majority of Jesus' followers left Him after this sermon. The words were too hard to deal with. It makes me realize how messed up we can be as people. Its scary to know that even with God in the flesh, we will reject Him.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Some others think that the sermon on the mount and the sermon on the plain were actually two different events where Jesus talked about many of the same things. Of course, if it were only one event, they have explained how that could be by the flat surface on the side of the mountain.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Corey, you have two bonus points this week.

Roger, you have two bonus points this week.

Sean, you have two bonus points this week.

Tyler, since you asked your question before Friday morning, you have three bonus points this week.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger, you had no bonus points going into this week.

Tyler, you had three bonus points going into this week.

Sean, you had four bonus points going into this week.

Corey, you had three bonus points going into this week.

Dr. Randy Carney said...


Sean, you have three bonus points this week. Sorry I must have looked past June 10 as I started looking for questions.

Thanks for asking about this. That's why I remind all of you part of the time to let me know if I miss something.

Tyler Owens said...

The VBS commencement was very good. The kids did a very good job. I was impressed by the director and all who helped out. It could not be possible to have a VBS if we did not have the help we did. Thank God for those poeple!

Corey G. said...

The chapter also talks about how these days are Job like times. For one we ask many of the same questions Job asked. For example, 'why is there suffering?'.

Corey G. said...

It also explains that Job asked God to awnser these guestions. Which God did. Just not in the way Job expected.(sounds like God 2 me)

Corey G. said...

It also talks about how this reflects more than just on Job. That this whole event is a cosmic battle. A battle between Good and Evil, that affected the whole universe