Monday, June 15, 2009

Course 8 Week 4 Main Posting Area

You may begin posting here after 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, June 16.


sremery said...

My course this round is a book titled "The New Testament: Its Background & Message" by Thomas Lea & David Black. I will do 3 chapters a week. They are as follow: Ch 10- The Later Judean and the Perean Ministry
Ch 11- The Final Week of Jesus' Life
Ch 12- Introduction to the Acts and the Role of Peter in Early Chistianity

Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is CHURCH GROWTH. The instructor is Terry Forrest. I will be watching three DVDs a week. The title of my book is SURPRISING INSIGHTS FROM THE UNCHURCHED. The author is Thom S. Rainer. I will be reading one chapter a week.

7. A Profile of the Unchurched-Reaching Leaders

Tyler Owens said...

The first chapter is about the pastors of the churches that are seeing people saved. One common thread through all of them is their drive to see people saved. That affects everything that they do or say. I think that should be the motivation for all of us.

Corey G. said...

My book is "The Bible Jesus Read" by Philip Yancey. This week I will be talking about chapter 3: Deuteronomy: A Taste Of Bittersweet. It is looking good so far

Corey G. said...

It begins with a background of what Moses was going through in Deutoronomy. He compares Moses to people who took over when communism fell in some places in asia and Europe, and when Czechoslovakia split. Explaining how Moses was a reluctant leader.

sremery said...

Ch 10 is mostly taken from John & some of Luke. It mentions the adulturous woman story. They say that its mostly accepted that John did not write this. And that it shows up in different areas of the book or not at all in earlier manuscripts. They conclude that this was an actual story. I love that story, THank God for His mercy.

sremery said...

I agree with Tyler on the subject of drive. It to me goes along with having a vision. It takes action then to go on with it. I've found sometimes when I have a vision of something, it requires a step of faith. Has anyone else had this happen to them?

sremery said...

I was reading a devotional this morning about Moses and Joshua on the subject of leadership. It spoke of how God had to somewhat encourage Moses to lead at first, he hesitated. But Joshua immediately answered and took action. Maybe he learned it from Moses that its best to act quickly when the Lord asks. Am I more like Moses, or Joshua?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, you have three bonus points for this week.

Tyler, on Thursday, you had two bonus points for this week.

Corey, on Thursday, you had two bonus points for this week.

(If you haven't already, you have until 6:00 a.m. Friday morning to ask a question for another bonus point.)

Tyler Owens said...

When I think of Moses, I think of his love for the people. I hope us as ministers can find the same type of love for people that Moses had. I think about the day the sun stood still for the battle. Sometimes when we pray for something, God will make a way for us to receive a blessing. Just because He loves us.

Tyler Owens said...

The next DVD talks about ways to create an environment for church growth. We have to create a welcoming environment for visitors. Most churches have greeters or ushers. The whole church needs to be involved and have a burden to win lost souls. We must also expect things to happen. Finally, we need a plan for growth with challenging but reasonable goals. What do you guys expect "reasonable" goals to be?

Dr. Randy Carney said...


You now have three bonus points for this week.

Tyler Owens said...

I try to respond to God's calling in my life. I think what most people are afraid of is doing something when God is not in it. Sometimes we hear of someone doing something that they think God wants them to do. We have to be in tune with God so we don't mistake His will with our own desires.

Tyler Owens said...

I also think that people enjoy the prestige that comes with being a leader. It feels good to have others look up to you. Many people have a natural ability to lead others, but are reluctant because it is easy to slip into a bad mindset about it.

Tyler Owens said...

Happy Father's Day to all of you guys. I hope your day is wonderful. Thank God for good fathers who raise their children in the ways of the Lord. God bless all of you.

Tyler Owens said...

All of the churches in the study from my book have strong leaders. I am afraid for churches who don't have strong leaders. The instructor of the course uses this phrase a lot-"Everything rises and falls on leadership."

Corey G. said...

This chapter also brings up something that I never thought about and thats that each plague represents an Egyptian god being defeated by the Hebrew God. For example the River god turned to blood. The Sacred fly becoming a pest, and the sun God being blocked out.

Tyler Owens said...

I hope everyone had a good Father's Day. Mine was very good. I was able to spend time with my daughter. I am still blown away by being a dad. It is amazing responsibility to be raising another human being. I hope that I am doing a good job.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Corey's computer has bit the dust! He is trying to find other ways to get online. This last post was done on a friend's computer.

Corey was contributing very well to the discussion. I hope he will be able to get back on soon on a refular basis.

Also, pray for his Mom, who had a lot of her college classwork stored on that computer.

sremery said...

Ch 11 covers the last week of Jesus' life on earth. It gives a description of each sperate occurances. It mentioned that there some debate on the day of the last supper. Most agree it was Thursday. They claim it tough to interpret because jewis days ended at sundown.

sremery said...

Sorry to hear about your computer Corey. Mine fried on me a couple of weeks ago. I felt the same way about the plauges. I didnt realize they were in conjunction with Egyptian gods. Its awesome when you see how deep Gods word can go.

sremery said...

Ch 12 of course is about Acts. It discusses Luke as being the author. They claim there were more than one textual forms of it and some conclude that he wasnt the author of some of it. Another interesting thing is that they say there is no hard proof that he was a doctor.

sremery said...

It also talks about the replacement of Judas. It says he was replaced for apostacy instead of death. Peter insisted on him being replaced, they said that after this instance the church never used lots to select again. They also say that most people believe that God chose who he wanted with Paul. I've always thought that way myself.

sremery said...

Hey Roger where are you? I hope you're just taking some time off or busy doing something. I hope nothing bad is going on, just wanted to post that I miss your comments. I've had some weeks that I've not been able to post.