Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Course 8 week 5 Main Posting Area

Please place your comments for week five in the comments section below.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is CHURCH GROWTH. The instructor is Terry Forrest. I will be watching three DVDs this week. The title of my book is SURPRISING INSIGHTS FROM THE UNCHURCHED. The author is Thom S. Rainer. I will be reading one chapter this week.

8. What Makes These Leaders Tick?

Tyler Owens said...

The first DVD was really good. There was a special guest speaker in the class. His name was Rev. Ryan Johnston. He was there to give an overview of his church's sunday school plan. He asked everyone to invite and held them accountable for what they said they would do. He also had regular meetings with the teachers to help keep them encouraged.

Tyler Owens said...

I have been having a rough couple of weeks at work. Last week, I was in Benton, Ky all week. I just got home from Paris, TN tonight. I have to go back tomorrow and Thursday. Nest week, I have to go to Kennett, Mo. Pleas pray for safe trips with all the driving that I have to do. Thanks, guys and God bless.

sremery said...

My course this round is a book titled "The New Testament: Its Background & Message" by Thomas Lea & David Black. I will do 3 chapters a week. They are as follow:
Ch 13- The Role of Paul in the Spread of Christianity
Ch 14- An Overview of Paul's Life
Ch 15- Paul's 1st Writings (A Survey of Galatians and 1 & 2 Thess.)

sremery said...

Ch 13 is about Paul and his ministries. It is starting from Acts and gives a little general info where he started and what epistles were written when and where. It takes each spereate instance and discusees it briefly.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hey Guys,

Thanks for your posts. Tyler, sound like you are going the extra mile. Sorry, no pun intended when I first started this post.

Hopefully Corey and Roger may be able to get back with us this week.

So, tyler, you don't have to answer since this will take up your time with a social post, but do you have a new job? Is it still with the same company?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Anyway, good job, Tyler, with all of the traveling you are doing.

Sean, are you going on vacation soon?

Corey G. said...

My book is called 'The Bible Jesus Read'. The author is Philip Yancey. I'll be reading chapter 4 Psalms: Spirituality in Every Key.

Corey G. said...

He starts talking about how he used to hate psalms. He said it made him angry. At the end of the section he explains his view of psalms was wrong.

sremery said...

I've always liked the Psalms, most music comes from them. But I remember after I was first saved a woman named Thelma that would pray and would quote Psalms sometimes when she was praying. You could feel the power in them. I beleive there's a psalm for every circumstance we face and it lets me know that someone else has been where I've been. Have you ever had a psalm relate to something you're facing and it help you?

sremery said...

Yes, I go on vacation next Thursday and will be back on the 12th. This year I wont be able to post while I'm there because I dont have an air card that I can take. But I hope to get some reading done.

sremery said...

In ch 13 it talks about the 3 missionary trips and the various hurdles Paul faced in each one. It says he had somewhat of a formula he would follow. He would go to the synagouges and speak. Eventually the jews that would oppose him would seek to have him punished. He would then focus on the gentiles. Then he would move on.

sremery said...

Also in this chapter they bring up the fact that we hear Pauls testimony 3 times. Its one of my favorite things in Acts. I imagine Paul told that story at every stop. It reminds me of how powerful our testimony is as well. We should never tire in sharing it. I can picture Paul saying to someone in a prison, "Let me tell you what happened to me on the way to Damascus....."

roger said...

Hey guys, help me out I have forgotten what I'm suppose to do. Well I am reading the book "The Man God Uses,by Henry and Tom Blackaby", and I will try to catch up on things so this week I will be reading and reporting on chapters three, four, and five, and they are as follows:
Chapter 3: God's Refining Process
Chapter 4: The Godly Man's Response to God
Chapter 5: Made for Times of Crisis

roger said...

Chapter three talks about God's Refining Process, and we have all read where our faith and works will be tried as a refiner of precious metals refines his metals "by fire". In refining a man God gets the impurities out and leaves the good in, then with the good God does something supernatural, this is done only through complete surrender to the will of God. There were a lot of men God used in his plans for humankind but there were a lot that he didn't use simply because through the refining process they stepped out of the will of God. They mistakenly took the process the wrong way and went against what God was preparing them for. I know in my short christian walk of several who could not endure the refining process, sad to say. God Bless you all this week!!

roger said...

Hey Corey, what do you think of the Psalms? Do you get any inspirations from them? I know that when I used to try to read them they sounded so repetitive (is that a word) over and over. But since I read that book I have come to a new love of reading them and trying to apply them in my life and you know what, it works! God Bless

roger said...

Hey Tyler, when your study talks about the "unchurched" is it people whom have no church experience at all or people who have a church background but are out of church? Sorry if this question has already been asked.

roger said...

Hey Sean, Paul was a pretty amazing fellow, and a man sure of his calling, although it would be hard to mistake Jesus speaking to you directly. Does your study give any insight to Paul's youth or anything prior to his introduction in the Book of Acts?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger and Corey,

Good to have you back.

Roger, asking each one a question is great. That gives them something to interact with too.

Dr. Randy Carney said...


Glad you got your computer fixed. You, and your mom, owe Cody big time. :)

Tyler Owens said...

It can be both of those people, Roger. The study was about the formerly unchurched. They are classified as either never been in church before or out of church for at least ten years. They are people who have recently became active members of evangelical churches.

sremery said...

It does talk alittle of Paul's youth. I think its a little speculative because they dont say for sure how he had Roman citizenship. They did mention his father being a Pharisee. And they didnt know his marital status but assumed he was married and figured his wife might have died.

Tyler Owens said...

We had a yard sale for our Relay for Life team. It was very hot but we had a good time with each other. I am so thankful for good christian friends that we can spend time with. I think we did very well considering the heat.

Tyler Owens said...

My family and I went to Meramec Caverns yesterday. It was the first time that my daughter has ever been there. She really liked the beautiful formations in the cave. We then went to the zoo. I just thank God for my family that He has blessed me with.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

My uncle by marriage, George Flanagan passed away yesterday. His funeral will be at Mt. Zion, on Monday morning at 11:00. Visitation will be at 10:00. His pastor from South Carolina will be here to preach the service. Tomorrow will mark the Sunday that my aunt June will have been in Sunday school for 73 consecutive years. I don't know if that is a world record, but it is certainly remarkable. George had encouraged her to go ahead and go to Sunday school on that day, no matter what happened.

roger said...

Good afternoon to you all, Bro. Randy I am deeply sorry for the passing of your uncle my sympathy and prayers are wuth you and Sis. June and your families. I am trying to catch up a little on my studies, I fell behind because I tried out a new job, it was a midnight shift job and I thought I could work both(how stupid) I know enough about God to know when you don't have time to read his word that somrthing is going to change. Well I'm reading the book " The Man God Uses by Henry and Tom Blacksby". I was to post on chapters 3,4 and 5 this week, I will have to include chapter 5 on next weeks study,however chapter 4 is titled,"The Godly Mans Response to God",and talks about just that. How does a godly man respond to God. He responds in 7 ways and they are as follows:
1. Fear of God.
2. Sovereighty of God.
3. Total Obedience in Faith.
4. Accountability.
5. Joy.
6. Humility.
7. Encuragement to others.

Tyler Owens said...

The next DVD talks about the two things that churches can do to help with church growth. They are Sunday School and visitation programs. Most churches try a visitation program at some time or another. There are three reasons why visitation programs tend to fail.
1- unrealistic expectaions
2- they don't keep to specific times
3-lack of a prospect list

Tyler Owens said...

It was a good camp meeting this afternoon. Bro. Kevin brought a good word to us. It was very encouraging. I hope we are all excited about camp. Let's keep praying for all the campers and volunteers. I hope this is the best camp that we have ever had!

sremery said...

Ch 14 is a general overview of Pauls life. It gives their views on how Paul believed on subjects as the church, ressurection, and eschaolgy. They said some thought thru his writings that he may changed his views on the end of time. But nothing positive to be sure.

sremery said...

Also on ch 13, it spent a lot of time discussing views on who actually authored the NT. I guess back in those days people used writers to record their thoughts & letters. They conclude that Paul used close sources or people he trusted to not add or take away too much from his sayings. It lets you know how rigorous the process was on what was cannonized and not.

sremery said...

I agree that one of the most important things in responding to God is the Fear of God. I've often wondered what that really meant. I think if you have it, it can cover the rest of the list. To me its hard to describe the Fear of the Lord in a word. I've been told it means to be reverent, or respectful, but that doesnt seem to cover it all to me. Anybody have any thoughts on the Fear of God?

Corey G. said...

Well at first he decided to go to a mountain environment and read some psalms every morning. At first he enjoyed it and thought the change in environment was good. Then he ran into the 'cursing psalms' and began to get angry at them.

Corey G. said...

Well the experiment was a failure, and, I believe, it actually made him hate psalms more. But then he tryed something he called 'reading over someones shoulders' or looking at what others say about psalms. After this his view of psalms changed

Corey G. said...

He explains how important psalms are later on, and how they can help ones faith. Even the cursing psalms. It does so by showing you that sometimes you should let God 'know'(basically tell him) that your angry about something.

Corey G. said...

Then he compares psalms to every day life. It being messy and disordered. If you have ever read the psalms you can understand, because its not like all the 'good ole' psalms are all together, and the 'cursing psalms' are all together, rather they are placed in every which area like it has no order.

Corey G. said...

Then he explains that the psalms also show such a child like awe many times in it. And how many times today we don't see the awe wondering universe that it is. Intstead we say 'its nothing new' which may be true but it doesnt change its magnificence

Corey G. said...

He also explains how psalms can be like 'soul therapy'. It does so by showing us that we aren't the only ones that felt like God has abandoned us. Even the big guys like David have felt that way as well.

Corey G. said...

And even though sometimes we can feel that way. It doesn't change the fact he is there. As also proven through other psalms.