Monday, June 29, 2009

Course 8 Week 6 Initial Posts

Please place your first two posts for week six in the comments sections below:
You may use this area after 12:01 a.m. of Tuesday, June 30.


sremery said...

My course this round is a book titled "The New Testament: Its Background & Message" by Thomas Lea & David Black. I will do 3 chapters a week. They are as follow:
Ch 16- Paul's Chief Writings ( A survey of Romans and 1 & 2 Cor.)
Ch 17- Paul's Captivity Epistles ( Eph, Phil, Col, and Phil.)
Ch 18- The Pastoral Epistles

sremery said...

This week will be tough because they really discuss these next few epistles. I'm looking forward to it because I like to get commentary sometimes with these books. My problem this week is I start my vacation on THurs and my 1st few days are busy. Romans is so full of inspiration & instruction that I understand why it would be long, plus throw in 1 & 2 Cor, its the same plus more conviction.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Very good, Sean,

You found the right place to start. I'm just trying it this way this week.

I will be leaving for Mexico next Monday morning, so things will be interesting for me too, as far as working with the class will go.

roger said...

Hey fellas, I am still reading the book by Henry and Tom Blackaby titled "The Man God Uses". This week I will be studying chapter 5
it's title: "Made for Times of Crisis."

roger said...

This chapter talks about the men God has used in the past and some of the crisis that they had to deal with.Men such as "Martin Luther, his crisis was experiencing the "grace" of God and having to change a culture that thought you had to buy forgiveness from religious leaders, another God used John Wesley, Hudson Taylor, Jonathon Edwards and many more with like crisis. Makes me ask myself how do I handel crisis.

Corey G. said...

This week I will be reading Ch. 5. Which is called Ecclesiastes: The End of Reason. The book is Titled 'The Bible Jesus Read' by Philip Yancey

Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is CHURCH GROWTH. The instructor is Terry Forrest. I will be watching three DVDs a week. The title of my book is SURPRISING INSIGHTS FROM THE UNCHURCHED. The author is Thom S. Rainer. I will be reading one chapter this week.

9. Raising Leadership Issues

Tyler Owens said...

The first DVD talks about having a "Big Day". They can be very helpful in reaching the unchurched. One idea is to hand out visitor's packets when they come in. We also need to let the youth be involved as much as we can. The instructor also reminds us that there will be those who will try to discourage us, but we must not let that get us down.

Tyler Owens said...

I am sorry that I missed the preachers' meeting on Tuesday night. I was out of town. I hope that it was good. I also missed church last night. I am kind of getting tired of missing Wednesday nights. They are very special to me.

Corey G. said...

He begins this chapter by talking about existentialism. Which is the belief that nothing matters. And that we just simply exist

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, you have two bonus points for these initial posts.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger, you have two bonus points for these initial posts.