Monday, June 29, 2009

Course 8 Week 6 Main Posting Area

This week, place your initial posts in another place. Also post one question in another place. Then place all of your other posts in the comments sections below.
You may use this area after 12:01 a.m. of Tuesday, June 30.


sremery said...

Ch 16 give general info on Romans at first. It states that it was written before Paul ever reached there. It says that they figure that converted Jews & gentiles must have started the churches there after the Pentecost. I've wondered that myself.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, again you have done this right. Your first two comments went in the initial post area.

Your first question before Friday goes in the question area.

I hope everyone else is getting this.

Tyler Owens said...

Sorry, I put a post in the wrong area. I am just a bit sleepy. I will try to do it right from now on.

Tyler Owens said...

The next DVD talks about some interesting stats about visitation. They pertain to the percentage of people who came back after their first visit to a church. Visitors who were "followed up" within thirty-six hours came back to church 85% of the time. Those who were followed up within 72 hours were 50% likely to come back. Those who were visited within seven days came back 15% of the time. I guess this means that we need to follow up as soon as we can.

Tyler Owens said...

I hope everyone has had a blessed and safe July 4th. We had a good one this year. I hope Sean has a good vacation and drives safely. I also hope that Bro. Randy's mission trip to Mexico will be really powerful. God Bless you guys in your trips.

Tyler Owens said...

The chapter that I read is about issues relating to leadership. All of the churches that reach lost people have strong leadership. I am thankful for my mentors that are good leaders in their churches. I hope that I can be half as good as they are at pastoral ministry.

Tyler Owens said...

We went to Union Gospel Mission to preach today. It was a god service. The Holy Spirit was strong in there this morning. i hope that the service is even better tonight.

Tyler Owens said...

I am looking forward to camp this year. I will only get to go there are night to stay with the kids. I may need some prayer that I can get enough sleep to do my job well in the daytime. I am just glad to be a part of camp.

sremery said...

Ch 17 is on the captivity epistles. It gives commentary on Ephesians,Phillipians, Collossians, and Philemon. They talk about disputes on the authorship of Eph & Phil. They claim that Phil could have been wrote by a contemorary of Pauls because thay are similiar.

sremery said...

Ch 17 is on the captivity epistles. It gives commentary on Ephesians,Phillipians, Collossians, and Philemon. They talk about disputes on the authorship of Eph & Phil. They claim that Phil could have been wrote by a contemorary of Pauls because thay are similiar.

sremery said...

I enjoyed the discussion on Philemon. Its a short letter but says a lot. It said that "Onesimus" means profitable and Paul used that to say Onesimus was once useless but now was useful.

sremery said...

Ch 18 is on the pastoral epistles (1 & 2 Timothy and Titus). It starts with debates on who wrote them. Apparently there is strong evidence that ic couls have been written past Pauls life. Nothing positive though. I learned that Paul had written to Timothy to instruct him in Ephesus, where Paul had left him. Titus was left on the island of Crete, where Paul instructed him.

Corey G. said...

After he talks existantialism He mentions Eccleciastes. He describes that Eccleciastes shares some existantialism thoughts. Then he exlaims that Job and Eccleciastes shares a common Ground.

Corey G. said...

He talks about how many times the word 'meaningless' shows up in Eccleciastes. He says it appears 35 times. He also says the only other book that it appears is Job.

Corey G. said...

Then he talks about what Ecclesiastes says. Things like 'the rich get richer' and the poor get poorer'. Not only that but 'evil prospers as good ones suffer'.

Corey G. said...

He explains how Eccleciastes is very different from the book before it 'Proverps'. How Proverbs teaches 'do good'. While Ecclesiastes teaches 'dont do to much good'.

Corey G. said...

He also mentions the use of the word 'wisdom'. Proverbs exalts and personifies. Ecclesiastes makes wisdom harmful.

Corey G. said...

Then he talks about how it annoyed him. Then he says, 'I came to appreciate'. The reason he says he came to appreciate is becomes it gives a wider spectrum of emotions people feel.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

It seems to me that the wisdom that Ecclesiastes speaks of is just the regular wisdom of the world, and the wisdom Proverbs speaks of is wisdom that comes from God.

At any rate, Ecclesiastes, when it is studied, should always include a reading of the last chapter. It shows the emptiness (or vanity) of living life without taking God into account. The last chapter shows how to correct that situation.