Friday, June 5, 2009

Relationships--Response Postings

Here is a copy of my response to Tyler earlier this week.

"57 % is a clear majority. Isn't it, Tyler. That many say that relationships had a part in getting them to come to church.
What about all of us? Did relationships play a part in our coming to church--or did we decide to attend a church from some other reason?"

"In my case, of course, my parents took me to church--so, relationships played a part. Another thing, though, is that one of my best friends in grade school attended our church. Another one attended church, just a couple of miles further away. After that, my circle of friends seemed to be formed from people (kids) whose families went to church."

For this week, along with your regular posts, give us an example of how relationships played a part in our coming to the church we attend (if they did). You may place those posts below this one or in the main posting area.


roger said...

Well my relationship with my son, Adam,was a huge role in my attending church. My wife and I had just reconciled our relationship after a year of divorce and she and Adam had been attending Freeman Chapel and every Sunday my wife,Janet, would ask me to go, and every Sunday I would say no. Then one Sunday my son asked me to go and I told him I would think about it, then the next Sunday he asked again and I told I would, but didn't, you can actually see Freeman Chapel from my house and when I was told that Adam had paced back and forth in front of the church looking at our driveway for my truck and that he cried when I didn't show, it broke my heart,that was in the fall of 1993, I haven't missed much church since then but I have missed more that I should have. So yes a relationship had a huge part in my attending church. Praise the Lord!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Amen. Praise the Lord indeed!