Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Course 9 Week 3 Main Comment Area

Sorry, Fellas,

I made a trip to Dunn Loring, VA, (a suburb of Washington D.C.) to speak at Jameson's (my sixth grandchild's) baby dedication service. On our way home on Sunday evening, the fuel pump went out on our car. We were towed to a town about 18 miles back down the road. We could not get anyone to work on the car until Tuesday.

I will extend the deadlines for the bonuses by two days for each one, but we will still try to end the week on Monday.

Tyler, the comments you made on the Muslim's Claim to exclusivity posting area, will count. Roger and Corey, if you have already made some in another posting area (like last week's), they will count already too.

All new comments should be placed below.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Tyler Owens said...

It was good to see you last night at the yearly meeting, Randy. I hope to be there some this weekend. I do have one question for Corey. How have you enjoyed your book so far?

Tyler Owens said...

The next session talks about the doctrine of salvation. It starts with the condition of salvation. The condition that we beleive has two aspects. Repentance is the first and faith is the other. Repentance means "a complete change of one's mind". Faith is covincement, personal decision to put oneself in Jesus' hands.

Tyler Owens said...

This session also talks about the application of salvation. There are three of those. The first is regeneration. This is the fact that a saved person has been made new(born again). Justification is that fact that we have been pardoned and restored to divine favor. Lastly, sanctification means that we have been seta apart from the world.

roger said...

Hey Guys, This week I am reading chapter 5 of Haddon Robinsons book: Biblical Preaching, and chapter 5 is titled "The Arrow and the Target". Great stuff!!

roger said...

This chapter talks about what a sermon is supposed to do, actually several things it is supposed to do and some things it should'nt do. One thing that was made clear is that a sermon should have a definite purpose otherwise it is worthless. Man I feel so inadequate !! Pray for me and my family,thank you God Bless!!!

roger said...

Hey TYler, I have read that regeneration is actually the process of regenerating the Holy Spirit in our hearts again, making me beleive that it was removed at sometime in our lifetime. I guess my question is when would that have taken place? If that is what happens at all.

Tyler Owens said...

The way it is described in this course is just what Jesus said to Nicodemus. You must be born again. I would think that the "first generation would be our natural birth. Therefore, regeneration is our "second" birth in Spirit.

Tyler Owens said...

The next session is about the doctrine of perserverance. We do have assurance of salvation by the power of God. We also have a condition of salvation. We are saved by faith and kept by faith. This means that we become saved by faith and we stay saved by faith.

Tyler Owens said...

It was good to see you, Bro. Randy, and Sister Rhonda. I think you did a good job as moderator. It was good to see everyone else that we don't get to see that much, also. Don't forget to send the new course to work with your wife tomorrow. It is "General Epistles and Revalation".

roger said...

In chapter 5 of Haddon Robinson's book:"Biblical Preaching", Mr. Robinson gives some very good info on what a sermon is to do. The title of chapter 5 "The Arrow and the Target", he explains about purpose. One purpose for a sermon is to secure a moral action.

Tyler Owens said...

We preached yesterday at Spillertown Baptist Church. The Spirit of God was really moving and I felt great anointing in my preaching last night. I always feel like I can't do it. Thank God for His Holy Spirit. I am continuing to be amazed at what He does.

Tyler Owens said...

The next session talks about the Lord's Day. We believe that it is observed every seven days. In the Old Testament it was the last day of the week as a commemorative of the work of creation. Now, we celebrate it on the first day of the week to commemorate the resurreection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tyler Owens said...

This session also talks about the church. We believe that there are two main themes when discussing the church. First, there is the local church that is composed of a local body of believers. There are four elements that the local church must be. They must be oraganized into a body, they must be believers, they assemble to worship God, and they must sustain the ordinances to the Bible. The second theme of the church is the "church of God" or universal church. This is described as the whole body of believer all over the world. This include only the saved. There are lost people that are part of local churches, they are not included in the universal church.