Monday, September 14, 2009

Course 9 Week 4 Main Comment Area

You may post your comments for week 4 below anytime after 12:00 a.m. on Tuesday.


Tyler Owens said...

This is the last week of my course. I will start a new one next week. I hope to be finished with it in the last four weeks of this session.

Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is FREEWILL BAPTIST DOCTRINES. The instructor is Dr. Robert Picirilli. I will be watching the last two sessions this week.

Tyler Owens said...

The first session is about tithing. It is the shortest chapter in our treatise. We beleive that tithing is God's financial plan for the support of His work. We believe that the Old and New Testaments support this.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Yes, Jesus said, "These things ye ought to have done."

Those "things" included tithing.

roger said...

Hey Brothers, this week I am reading chapter six in Haddon Robinson's book: Biblical Preaching. Chapter six is titled" The Shapes Sermons Take".

roger said...

I realize after reading this chapter and probably a couple previous chapters, that I have no idea how to put a message together. I can pick the passage, come up with an idea, support it with other passages, but have trouble presenting a specific point. This chapter talks about deductive, semi-deductive,and inductive sermons. Wow that is a lot for a country boy to take in. Amen?

roger said...

Hey Tyler, the session your studying on Tithing, does it still suggest 10% or does it state to tithe to the best of your ability? Is money all we are suppose to tithe?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger, the main thing to get from your book is how to formulate "the big idea." Try to get what he says about that, and then the other stuff is "gravy."

roger said...

In a deductive type of sermon , the idea is brouhgt out in the introduction, then the rest of the sermon explains, applies it or proves a point. After thinking about the shapes a sermon takes and thinking back on messages I have preached, I probably have used this type of sermon. I guess that is why I am a horrible joke teller, I want to tell the punchline right off the bat. God Bless you all and remember my family in your prayers, Adam leaves Sunday for Bootcamp. Thank you!!

Tyler Owens said...

I noticed that you said that you had a hard time presenting a message, Bro. Roger. I struggle with the same thing that you are talking about. Is there a certain aspect of the process that holds you up or is it just different things at different times?

Tyler Owens said...

To answer your question about tithing, it does not say that anything over is required. The word tithe means "a tenth". That is why it says "tithes and offerings". An offering is added above a tithe.

Tyler Owens said...

The next session talks about the Gospel call. This talks about the qualifications for ministers outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. It also discusses the duties of a pastor. There is also a brief outline about spiritual gifts in this session.

roger said...

Yes Tyler, it is different things at different times, mostly though it is that I feel I have so much to tell and can't zero in on one point to make. Then at times when I'm preparing that I get the thought that all messages have been preached already and what can I add that would make a difference. This I know that if God be for you who can be against you Amen? Thank you for the question Tyler God Bless you and your ministry!!!!!!

roger said...

This chapter talked about the different types of sermons, I have mentioned the deductive type, now the inductive type is this, you have introduction,main body with support, then your idea is wrapped up in the conclusion. Again your idea is where you get your main thought or point you are trying to make. Personally I don't like this type of sermon unless it is really done well. God Bless you all. Remember my son Adam in your prayers he is leaving Sunday for USMC Boot camp.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Bro. Roger, we will certainly remember Adam and all of you in our prayers.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I haven't been sending your grades by email. I hope you have been reviewing the weekly requirements.

Tyler, I will get your grade updated next week.

Roger, I will try to give you a mid-term update too.

Corey is just doing the reading option this time.

Tyler Owens said...

There is a youth rally at Mt. Zion tonight. I hope to see you guys there. Youth rallies are awesome! Enough said.

Tyler Owens said...

I think that truth is most definitely exclusive in preaching and doctrine. If we don't preach Christ as the only way to heaven, what are we preaching for? We have to have a sound doctrine as well. I am glad that our denomination doesn't have any ties to groups that belleve that there is other ways.

Tyler Owens said...

The next session talks aobut ordinances of the Gospel. Ordinances are defined as outward practices which were established by Jesus. We believe in baptism by full immersion. It teaches us about the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ and identifies us with Him. We also practice the Lord's Supper. We do it as a memorial. It is taught in 1 Cor. 11:23-25. We also practice open communion, which says that you don't have to be a member of our church to partake, however, you must be saved. We also practice the washing of the saints' feet. It was instituted in John 13. It teaches us to be humbleand it is a testimony of service.

Tyler Owens said...

This is the last week of this course for me. I will be starting a new one next week. I will do it in four weeks also so we don't get overlapped. Here is my course wrap-up.

This course was very good. I learned a lot about what we believe as Freewill Baptists. I liked the format very well. It was just a teacher at a desk going through the course. We talked about what our treatise states and why we believe those things. I am glad that we were provided with this course.