Monday, October 12, 2009

Course Wrap Up

For this term's course wrap up, write a summary of the course. Include any comments about things that will have the potential to help you in your ministry, or tell what you wish would have been covered in the course.


Tyler Owens said...

This course was another short one. I really enjoyed it. We surveyed from Hebrews through Revalation. Some of the discussion got pretty deep. I think that this course will help me to understand more about the last books of the Bible. It has got me to study them a little more.

roger said...

This course was a good lesson for me,it dealt with factors about a sermon that I had never used or even thought about using or if I did I did it because someone had preached that way and gave me the idea. I do wish my grammar was better, and that I understood english better because all that makes a sermon come together and completed. I understand now how important it is to be clear and to make your point or points clear to the listeners. Just a good lesson all around and puts new meaning to doing our best and allowing God to do the rest. AMEN!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Very good, guys. Glad you enjoyed the courses. Thanks you for carrying the load this time with very little input from me.