Monday, November 2, 2009

Creation and Christ

For me the importance of Christ in the area of our salvation actually begins with the very first words of the Bible.

All Christians agree that God created the universe instead of the universe evolving without a design.

While there are some Christians who subscribe to the theory of an "older earh," I believer the "young earh" Creationists present very credible arguments.

Even those who subscribe to an older earth theory, should, in my opinion respect the young earth theory proponents. The young earth theory certainly fits in better with a literal reading of the Bible. (My view of that is that the literal reading is always preferred unless a figurative meaning is obvious.)

Don't we all agree that God created?

1 comment:

roger said...

Absolutely God created the earth and all things in it, on it and under it, that is my faith speaking but not without questions. Some reading I have done suggest a period of time between Gen. 1:1 and Gen.1:2 known as "The Gap Theory". Is this relevent to what is being discussed?