Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Course 10 Week 6 Main Posting Area

Please place your comments for week 6 in the comments section below.


roger said...

This week I will be reading Chapters 13 & 14 of Craig Blomberg's book : Jesus and the Gospels, and they are titled:
Chapter 13:Jesus' Galilean Ministry- Earlier stages
Chapter 14: Jesus' Galilean Ministry- Later Stages

roger said...

Chapter 13 points out a facinating fact about Jesus' ministry, the fact that Jesus' ministry became front page news only after the fact that John the Baptist was imprisoned, I find that interesting, was John's ministry only to introduce Jesus. I mean I know he was sent before Jesus to make his path straight, but was that all.

roger said...

The Exorcist, we don't really think of Jesus that way but during his Galilean ministry he performed alot of them, according to the Gospel of Mark, as well as preaching, and healing.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Well, the first message John preached (or one of the first) was "Repent for the kingdom of God (or Heaven) is at hand!" After that, Jesus preched his first message, which was worded exactly the same. So, I guess John's ministry was to be a forerunner for Jesus Christ, but it was also to challenge people to repent.

roger said...

In Jesus' Galilean ministry, one of the most discused discourse is the Sermon on the Mount. Discussed how you ask, well it has to be the different interpretations:
1. Traditional Catholic
2. Lutheran
3. Anabaptist
4. Old Liberal and Postmillineal
5. Interim Ethic
6. Existentialist
7. Classic Dispensationalist
8. Kindom Theology
that is according to the History of Interpretation.

roger said...

Some events in the "Later Stages" of Jesus ministry are discussed in chapter 14, although much is the same, teaching, healing, discipiling, and preaching, the difference that I can is the geographical difference, in other words his moving around to different cities and regions.

roger said...

This is a prayer request for my son Adam, who is in his 12th week of Marine Corp Bootcamp, the request being he has "Gas Chamber" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday he has the "Crucible" this is a very physical, emotional, and mental test that will last 54 hours, no sleep, limited MRE's and all outside conditions this is not the final test, they have a written test Friday that has to be passed in order to complete bootcamp. So I ask you to pray for Adam, God Bless

Dr. Randy Carney said...


We will certainly pray for Adam, and, I heard that you might be getting on an airplane sometime soon. Is that right!

If so, we will pray for you too.

roger said...

Yes Bro. Randy, we will board my first airplane Dec.16th for San Diego Ca. with 1 stop in Dallas total flight time 7hr & 15min. Pray Hard God Bless you for thinking about that

roger said...

In jesus' Galilean ministry the later stages we see that the Sermon on the Mount is the hub of this time of his ministry. The book gives so much info it is hard for me to thin out but here goes, the intro is the Beatitudes and the salt and light metaphor, then Jesus and the Law,Religious Hipocracy, Wealth and Worry, How to treat others, concluding with Only Two Ways, accept or reject him and then the crowds Reaction.

roger said...

During Jesus' Galilean ministry in the later stages it is taught that Jesus removed himself from Galilee and travelled with his disciples for two reasons, first to enforce the fact that he is The Christ mainly to Peter and the fact that he must suffer many things, even death on the cross.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Do you think His preparation for His death went over the head of the disciples. As we look back on it, some of his statements seem to be clear. At their time, so much of what He said was so profound that they might have been used to not understanding a lot of what He said.

Also, how are you doing today? Missed you yesterday!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

What was the crowd's reaction to the sermon on the mount like?

roger said...

The crowds reaction to Jesus' statement in his sermons was shocking to them. No one could quite understand his sayings because he quoted no one that they could relate to and when he cited scripture he would then reinterpret it and that to them was lunacy! Maybe they just considered him crazy.

roger said...

Peter did it !!! Peter confessed that Jesus was the Christ, now Jesus can continue setting up his work and ministry, you see it was like this: Peter told Jesus who he was( The Christ) and now Jesus told Peter who he was( Petra).

roger said...

Bro. Randy, I'm a great deal better today, ice and heating pad and ibuprofun did wonders, but not as much as prayers AMEN?

roger said...

When you say threee quarters how many weeks is left.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

The seventh and eighth weeks are the last two weeks.