Monday, August 16, 2010

Course 12 Week 8

If you haven't already, scroll down in the left sidebar to see the new articles on marriage that have been written during this course.

This is the final week of the course.

You may place your comments for this final week in the comments section below.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Course 12 Week 7 Main Comments Area

If you haven't noticed, most of my new material has been in the form of articles written about marriage. They have been showing up in this blog, but you have to scroll down in the left sidebar to find them. Go there and check them out. You may find some titles that interest you.

Starting Tuesday, you may post your comments below for the seventh week.

Once again, I want to commend Roger for keeping up with his studies. There really is value in being able to summarize what you read, and he has done an excellent job. Roger, Saturday, Tyler Owens mentioned (when we were meeting with him for ordination) that the book you are reading now was one that really blessed him. I hope it has been good for you too.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Course 12 Week 3 Main Comments Area

You can use the comments area below to finish up week 3. I did not think anyone was posting. Roger, sorry I did not see all of your posts until this morning.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Bible Is a Unique Book

The Bible is a unique book for many reasons. It make the claim that
"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness," (2 Timothy 3:16).

We need to understand that a book that makes such a claim is a trustworthy book. It is the book that talks about the exclusivity of Jesus as the way of salvation. (Remember that other religions make exclusive claims too.)

We will be focusing on Creation, Who Jesus Is, and the Trustworthiness of the Bible as we consider the topic of Jesus being the Way to Heaven.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

In the Beginning

In the first chapter of the Bible, we have the account of Creation. We also have some of the earliest indications of the Trinity present there too.

"In the beginning, God . . . ."
"The Spirit of God moved . . . ."
"Let Us make man in Our Image."

The Hebrew is indeed plural, just as is translated in our English translations. So, we are dealing with One who is Plural. Sounds like a contradictin, but really it is a paradox. A paradox is an apparent (not real) contradiction which has two parts, both of which are true AND both of which are necessary.

We need to understand that God, who is mentioned in the Old Testament, exists as Trinity.

That is why John 1 indicates that Jesus (The Word) was active in the process of Creation (without Him not anything made was made.)

Jesus is exclusively the way to Heaven, in part, because He is indeed God. No other supposed way to Heaven has this characteristic.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cours 12 Week 2 Main Comments Area

Please place your posts (comments) for week 2 in the section below this post. (Click on the word, "comments," below.

(Also please be sure to read the post right below this one, which talks about what your first two comments for this week need to be.

You will also notice that the weekly requirements section has been moved to the left below the welcome post.)

Looking forward to talking to you.

Course 12 Beginning of Week 2

We start seriously considering the material you are being exposed to this week.

For your first post this week, please give us the title of your book, and list the table of contents.

For your second post, list the titles of the chapters you will be studying this week. (To figure that out, take the number of chapters in the book, and divide that number by six. That answer will give you the number of chapters you need to cover each week. If you have a decimal following the whole number, you have the option of deciding the number of chapters you will do this week. For instance, if you come up with 4.5, you will do either 4 or 5 chapters this week.)

Give us this information as quickly as possible, so we can ask you questions that will help you focus on some things to say in the comments' area.

You may make more than two comments a day too.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Course 12 End of Week 1

This ends our introduction week. We will begin in earnest on our studies next week (which begins at 12:01 a.m. tomorrow (Tuesday) morning). Remember that our posting weeks run from Tuesday-Monday. Posts must be made during that week.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth

We had a good family day yesterday and watched fireworks last night.

This morning, I preached at Ezra Church of God in West Frankfort, IL.

I am thankful for the Godly heritage of our nation. I recently read about someone who came here from Romania, I think it was. He said, in _________________(whatever place it was), they have the freedom to read the Bible and to pray in the public schools now. He also said, that he cannot understand why the U.S. seems to be going in the direction that __________________ used to be in.

Another friend says the state of our country is like it is because we are getting what we deserve.

May we as a nation wake up and return to our former heritage.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Making Comments

Sometimes students in these courses are intimidated by making comments, yet, some of those same students are avid Facebook or Myspace users. I don't quite understand, then. What we are doing here is the same thing. The only difference is that the comments have to be about what we are studying. (However, during the first and last weeks of our 8-week terms, they don't even have to be about the books.)

When we comment early in the week, we can go back and forth, agree or disagree with the author, find ways to apply what we are studying, and so forth.

It can be great!

Looking forward to our conversations this term.

If anyone would like to join us this term, just send an email to, and I will tell you how to get started. When can accept new enrollees up until the end of the second week. After that, things are just too far gone for this term in order for the student to catch up. We currently are 5/7 of the way through the first week. people who enroll today or tomorrow can catch up very easily.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Posting Ideas

This is an introduction week.

We are practicing getting around in the posting area. Having trouble coming up with 9 posts? Here are a few ideas.

(Remember to make your posts at least 3 sentences long.)

1. Tell us what the name of your book is. Tell us what you think might be some of the best things you could get from it.

2. List the Table of Contents of the book.

3. Ask you fellow student and instructor one or more questions. (Up to three posts where you ask questions may be less than three sentences long.)

4. Answer your fellow students questions (with posts of 3 or more sentences).

5. If you have a really long comment, try breaking it into two or more ideas and making more than one post.

6. (Optional) Pick a chapter or two from your book, and start writing comments about that (those) chapters.

7. Be creative. Remember, this week your posts can be about almost anything thing. In the next few weeks, they will have to be more specific tho the course materials.

Maybe this will help!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Looking Forward to the Course

I am excited about seeing your discussions take place over the course of the next 8 weeks.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Course 12 Week 1 Comments Area

Leave your comments for week 1 below.

Please notice that the non-English comments seem to be spam. I don't know how to get them stopped, so I will have to keep deleting them as they appear. Be careful about clicking on them. They may take you somewhere you would prefer not to go.

Introduction Week

This week, we will try to get used to using the blog. All posts will count as quality posts as long as they are at least three sentences long.

Introduce yourself in the "comments for week 1" area. Ask your fellow students questions. Tell us about your ministry and some of what is going on in your life.

Monday, June 28, 2010

New Course Starting Tomorrow

I will post instructions for week one tomorrow.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Course 12 Begins Next Tuesday

I am aware of one new participant coming up this time. Some of our former participants may want to jump in again too.

If you would like to join us for this term, send an email to Tell me what book you would like to study and discuss. If it is something that will fit in, we will be glad to have you join us.

(Thomas, if you have made it here, this is the right site. You can email me at the above address, and I will help you get things in place.)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ministry in Japan

My wife and I have been in Hokkaido, Japan, for the last two weeks. The first Sunday evening that we were here, I preached in Saroma, Hokkaido, Japan. (Hokkaido is the island just north of Honshu. Tokyo is located in Honshu. Sapporo, where our son and his family live is located in Hokkaido.)

Last Sunday I preached at the Miharashidai Chapel in Ebetsu, Hokkaido,
Japan. The service was good, and I am very grateful for the interpretation provided by missionary, Nathan Snow, who has the regular preaching duties for this church.

After church, we had a meal with the congregation. It was good to fellowship with them. I got to hear the stories from three of them about when and how they came to Christ.

Next Sunday morning, I will be preaching at the Koinonia church in Sapporo. Then in the afternoon, I will preach again at another church in the area. Missionary, Debbie Griffin, will be interpreting for me both times that day.

If you would like to know more about the ministry here in this part
of Japan, you could go to and then click on the country of Japan; or you could click on some of the missionaries' names, such as Rusty and Brenda Carney (my son and his wife), Josh and Alicia Crowe, Nathan and Linda Snow, Debbie Griffin, and Shannon Little.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Roger's Comment Area


Tyler is finished with his course, and no one else has notified me of doing anything at the moment, so I will set up this posting area for you to do your remaining comments.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Course 11 Week 8 Main Comments Area

Please place your comments for March 9-15 in the area below.

Course 11 Week 7 Main Comments Area

Please place your comments for March 2-March 8 below.

Course 11 Week 6 Main Comments Area

Course 11 Week 5 Main Comment Area

Place your comments below for the week of February 22-March 1.

Course 11 Week 4 Main Comment Area

For week of February 16-22.

Course 11 Week 3 Main Comment Area

Comments for February 9-15.

Course 11 Week 3 Main Comment Area

Please finish up your comments for week 2 in the week 1 posting area.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Course 11 End of Week 1

We are nearing the end of the first week. Tyler, thanks for weighing in. If anyone else wants to join us, please comment below and send an email to

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Course 11 Week 1 Main Comment Area

Place your comments below for week 1. You will be learning how to navigate this week. Your goal is to make 9 or more comments that are at least three sentences long. One of these posts should introduce who you are to the rest of us. The other comments may either be on the first section of the book you are studying, or they may be on other people's comments, or just about anythying this first week. After the first week, you will be making comments on the material we are studying.

Course 11 Starts Today

Course 11 Starts today. You may still sign up to join us between now and next Tuesday, February 2. Read the sections on the side bar about what is required on a weekly basis. You may also email me with questions at

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Course Starting January 28th.

If you would like to join us for the next session, please pick one of the textbooks listed on this blog, and send an email to Let us know what book you have chosen, and we will set things up for you. You may also have an elective course by telling us what book (other than those pictured) you would like to discuss.