Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cours 12 Week 2 Main Comments Area

Please place your posts (comments) for week 2 in the section below this post. (Click on the word, "comments," below.

(Also please be sure to read the post right below this one, which talks about what your first two comments for this week need to be.

You will also notice that the weekly requirements section has been moved to the left below the welcome post.)

Looking forward to talking to you.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

While you as students are expected to make 9 comments per week, my main responsibility is to give daily posts 5 times a week, but I will jump in and comment with you too. I do not have a book that I am studying in particular, but last term I started doins some study on why Jesus is the only way to heaven. I will continue along that line. When you are making comments, comments on what I have to say, or what your fellow student has to say will count toward you required posts for the week. (Just remember to make them three sentences long (sometimes a long compound sentence will be the equivalent of two sentences) or longer.)

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Thomas, you and I will have to carry the load the first part of this week, so make your comment, and I will try to ask questions that will help the discussion to get going. I am looking forward to discussing your book. Roger may have already read your book, so he may have some good coments in your area too when he gets back.