Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Course 12 Week 4 Main Comments Area


roger said...

Hello all, this week I will continue to read and study the book titled:"The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching, it is written by Haddon Robinson and Craig Brian Larson. This weeks study will cover chapters 145-154.

roger said...

Chapter 145. Power of Everyday=Disciple Illustrations
Chapter 146. Why I Pat the Bible on My Nightstand
CHAPTER 147. Busting Out of Sermon Block
Chapter 148. Centered
Chapter 149. A Long, Rich Conversation with God
Chapter 150. A Mysteriuos Impulse to Pray
Chapter 151. Preparing the Messenger
Chapter 152. Lifted by the Accompanying Presence
Chapter 153. The Hard Work of Illumination
Chapter 154. Heart-to-heart Preaching

roger said...

Chapter 145 titled "Power of Everyday-Disciple Illustrations is written by Craig Brian Larson. and he sub-titles it: What kind of examples influence hearers most? The examples that he talks about have six characteristics
(1) This illustration should be an example of how to live the christian life.
(2) This example should show what is learned through a failure.
(3) The audience must identify with this example
(4) Every day disciple illustrations should be identified such as a non-celebrity.
(5) Everyday disciple illustrations will be in story form, not a quote, image or statistic.
(6) These stories should be applied literally.

roger said...

Haddon Robinson writes in chapter147 titled:"Busting Out of Sermon Block". He speaks of difficultys in preparing a sermon. Most of the time when preparing a sermon we think that we need to say something, when in fact we have something to say. Bro. Robinson talks about how labor-saving devises in a kitchen make it simpler to make a meal so he relates that to sermon preperation. Here are six kitchen helpers for sermon preperation;
(1) Develop a preaching calander.
(2) Work on sermons in ten-day cycles.
(3) Get double duty off study.
(4) Think visually
(5) Work on sermons out loud.
(6) Borrow.
These are helper titles the book goes much deeper in these areas. So lets just praise the Lord!!!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hi, Roger,

Sorry that you have not received much interaction. I can see that you are doing great, as far as reading and understanding your chapters go.

I was a little intrigued by the idea of working on sermons in 10-day cycles. Would you tell me a little more about how he says to do that? How many sermons is he working on at a time, etc.?

roger said...

Richard Foster, the author of chapter 148, titled: "Centered". This chapter speaks of the importance of prayer. Prayer puts you in touch with God,to recieve his message and therefore speak it to his people with great authority. He talks about a ritual that he does with God, called "Palms Down, Palms Up". Begin by placing palms down as a symbolic indication of your desire to turn it all over to God, whatever the need or hurt or whatever, inwardly pray for the faith to allow God to handle it. When you have given it to God then turn your palms up as a sign that you trust God completely and therefore enjoy the peace that passes all understanding, and wallow in the joy unspeakable. AMEN!!

roger said...

Bro. Robinson says that the ten day period give his sermon time to simmer. After studying the text and exhausting all his thoughts and what the Lord gives him then he makes notes and then seeks commentaries to gain more insight. The best I can tell it is one sermon at a time. Thank you Bro. Randy for the question, it was getting lonely in here. God Bless.

roger said...

Good Saturday morning to all, I just read a marvelous chapter titled:" A Long, Rich Conversation with God", written by Darrell W. Johnson. Bro. Johnson taught me a very important lesson in this chapter, actually a few lessons. He first mentions that his preaching ministry draws strength from an ongoing and close relationship with God. In his introduction he says: " The call to preach is first and foremost a call to listen and intercede". He also points out the fact that prayer will reveal our inadequacys, not to God for he knows all things, but to us. He also teaches the level of humility that we should preach in is not by putting ourselves down but by lifting Jesus up! Wonderful writing, Thank you Lord!

roger said...

Gordon Anderson writes chapter 151 titled: "Preparing the Messenger". He writes a strong delivery results from getting our whole person ready to preach. He has found that through the busyness of life, his emotional and physical realms are sealed off from the Holy Spirit. We are told in scripture to serve with heart, soul, body, and mind, therefore these areas need to be prepared for the sermon to be delivered effectively. First you have to prepare the physical body, and our emotions as well as uor will and our intellect. Before preaching , God needs the time we give him to prepare these areas for ultimate delivery. He writes , we have to be on fire in order to set a fire. AMEN!!!!!

roger said...

Another good chapter for me personally as I read chapter 153, titled,"The Hard Work of Illumination", written by Lee Eclov. First let me say that I was very much misled by how the Holy Spirit would make sermon preperation easy. I guess I thought since I was speaking on God's behalf that preperation would be easy, that thoughts would pour out like a rushing stream, that illustrations would play out like television commercials, and references would jump off the pages of the Bible, WRONG!. Lee Eclov is I'm sure a seasoned pastor/preacher with the same struggles I have in preparing a message. Sermon preperation will always be difficult if we are not in tune with God, Bro. Eclov points out that the same Holy Spirit that spoke to men like Moses, King David, John the Baptist and to Paul speaks to me, desires to work through that willing vessel, and to reveal Jesus in a whole new way in every new sermon. I 'm reminded once again that hard work will pay off!! Awesome God is he.

roger said...

"Heart to Heart Preaching, written by Dan Baty is the title to chapter154. Although Bro. Baty has preached for some time he felt he had bombed one Sunday morning, almost ashamed to enter the church office the following day. He was scared his ability to teach might be in question. After talking to a fellow pastor he realized he had left something out of his sermon, that something was a connection between him and the audience. Bro. Baty taught himself about heart to heart preaching, that is exposing his heart to the audience, he calls this DARE preaching. DARE preaching is the act of telling a story with sensory detail, add a few emotions to it, reveal why he feels the way he does about the situation and then telling what it means. The fact is he dares himself to show his heart in order for the audience to show theirs. I dare you to try it. AMEN

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Bro. Roger, you have been doing a wonderful job of summarizing the material you have been reading. It sounds like your are receiving much blessed information.

Bro. Sauvageot told me a while back that you had mentioned that you made reference to some of the things you were studying here. He was impressed. That's good coming from a preacher of his stature.

I am praying the Lord will give you further direction about the course of your ministry. I often have heard it said from preachers of preachers of previous genertions, "Prepare yourself . . . , and God will use you!" You are certainly getting some good preparation for some reson!