Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Beginning of Week 4

We are coming to the half-way point of the course.

Tyler - You are well on your way to completing this course. Please do the same as you did last week. Count the number of DVD's or chapters that we have not yet discussed. Divide that by 4, and tell us how many chapters we will be discussing this week. Please give the name of the book again, and the titles of the chapters we will need to discuss this week.

Have a great day!


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my book is THE NEW TESTAMENT:ITS BACKGROUND AND MESSAGE. I will be reading four more chapters this week.

9.Jesus' Ministry in and Around Galilee

10. The Later Judean and the Perean Ministry

11. The Final Week if Jesus' Life-Crucifixion and Ressurection

12. Introduction to the Acts and the Role of Peter in Early Christianity

I am looking forward to this week because it discusses Jesus' ministry.


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter nine probably has the most material in it. It has many of His parables and miracles in it. He based His ministry in Capernaum because it was the center of the area. He chose His disciples there. He also spoke the sermon on the mount in Galilee. He healed the centurion's servant and raised the widow's son. He calmed the storm and cast out the devils in the Gadarene. He tought the parable of the sower and the wheat and the tares. There is just so much to mention that time or page space could not allow me to put down everything.


Tyler Owens said...

I forgot to mention about Jesus walking on the water. Sometimes we look down on Peter because he got scared and began to sink when he looked away from Jesus. We have to remember that Peter was the only disciple who was willing to get out of the ship and go to Jesus. That must have took great faith. It is easy for us to look at other people's actions and try to say that we would do better than they did, but we have not had to go through what they had to go through.
