Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Week 4 Posts

Let's post the rest of our comments for week 4 here. Sorry, I forgot to put this up yesterday, and you rightly commented under yesterday's post. You do not have to repeat them here.

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Tyler Owens said...

I think that we bless God when we obey by answering His call. He gives everyone a calling. I think that some people are not doing what God wants them to do. They wonder why they are not being blessed. Remember Romans 8:28, the last few words of that verse say that when we are CALLED according to His purpose. We forget that when we are not doing what God calls us to do, we miss out on some of His blessings.


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter ten is titled-The Later Judean and the Perean Ministry. It talks about the time right up to His final week. There were a lot of teachings that should be mentioned, the good shepherd, the good Samaritan, the unjust steward, and the rich man and Lazarus. He also talked a lot about prayer and discipleship. I think that He knew that time was running out and it was time to get the disciples ready. He seemed to teach to them more and more. He met the rich young ruler and raised Lazarus from the dead! This is also when the Jews decided to kill Jesus. You can tell that Jesus knew that the end was near(not just by Him telling them) because He really started to have trouble with the religious leaders more frequently.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

One interesting idea (and one that cannot be proven perhaps) is that Jesus deliberately antagonized some of the people by activities such as casting the money changers out of the temple. In this proposal, Jesus was afraid that the people would try to make Him king right then and keep Him from going to the cross. He was determined to carry out His mission, so he made sure events would lead to His crucifixion. Again this cannot be definitely proven, but it is food for thought.

Tyler Owens said...

The chapter that I am in now talks about the final week of Jesus' life. It started with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. He rode in on a donkey. I think that shows that He did not come in like a mighty conquerer on a horse, but a humble servant on a lowly donkey. The Jews were not expecting the Messiah to enter like that. Also Jesus said that if the people did not give Him praise, that the rocks would. I don't know about anyone else, but I wouldn't want the rocks to out-worship me!


Tyler Owens said...

I think that Jesus was the wisest man that ever lived. He knew that if the Jewish leaders of that day believed, they would not send Him to the cross. He also had many chances to plead His case before Pilot and didn't. Pilot wanted to let Him go. Why else would he bring Barrabas out to choose between? Barrabas was a known murderer. It goes to show that the leaders were determined to silence our Saviour. Little did they know that Jesus knew what He had to do and they were being part of it. God always makes good out of a bad situation!


Tyler Owens said...

The debate over Jesus' authority was intense to say the least. The Pharisees and scribes were constantly trying to trick Jesus in His words. There are thre memorable parable that He told to the people that comes to mind. These were concerning the Pharisees. First, He told of the two sons. One refused and later changed his mind while the other just did not do what he was told. Secondly, He told of the wicked husbandmen. Thirdly, He told the parable of the marriage feast. I bet this really angerd the leaders of the day.


Tyler Owens said...

I want to make a comment about Jesus' passion. We can't even bgin to imagine the pain that Jesus felt when He was being whipped by the scourge. Through all His pain, He still warned the people when He told the daughters of Jerusalem not to weep for Him, but weep for yourselves. He also led the thief on the cross to Him. Just think, a lowly criminal got to walk into heaven and proclaim to be the first person to be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ! Isn't that awesome!!!


Dr. Randy Carney said...

People did have a hard time trying to understand the idea of a king presenting Himself as a suffering servant. That idea of servant leadership is presented in the book of Isaiah, so it was not without foundation. However, many had a hard time thinking Jesus could be the Messiah because they expected (at least some of them did) his deliverance to be more of a military deliverance instead of a deeper spiritual deliverance.

Thank God that Jesus came to redeem all mankind throughout the ages and not just those living on the earth at the time Jesus lived on the earth.

Tyler Owens said...

I think that Jesus was really troubled at the night before His passion. The bible says that He started to sweat drops of blood. I have a friend who told me that he heard of a condition in which someone is under such severe mental strain that the blood vessels in the face and neck start to burst causing blood to flow like sweat. I don't know if this is true, but it is something to think about.


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter twelve talks about the intro to Acts and the role of Peter in the early church. The day of Pentecost is very exciting to read about. All the people who were there could actually hear the preaching in their own languages. I guess this is the speaking in tongues that I hear about from my pentecostal friends. Any thoughts on this? Just curious. Anyway, Peter began to preach and I think that shows us that Jesus still had a plan for him even though he failed Him. Peter also had a vision on the roof about the animals. I think this meant that the time to preach to the Gentiles had come. Peter realized that Jesus' saving power was not just for the Jews.


Tyler Owens said...

I like the fact that Peter just kept going even after he denied the Lord. He could have just gave up, but he didn't. That is admirable. When we fail the Lord we should just remember that God had a plan for Peter, just like He does for us.
