Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week 6 Posts

Please post your comments for week 6 below:


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my book is- THE NEW TESTAMENT:ITS BACKGROUND AND MESSAGE. There are going to be four chapters to read this week. They are as follows-

17. Paul's Captvity Epistles

18. The Pastoral Epistles

19. The Epistle to the Hebrews

20. The Epistle of James

I am looking forward to this week.


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter seventeen talks about Paul's captitvity epistles. They are beleived to have been written while he was in Rome. Ephesians is divided into two parts. Chapters 1-3 discuss the privileges of the church while chapters 4-6 talk about believers' responsibilities. In Phillipians, Paul talks about disunity. Paul rebukes false teaching in Colossians. Philemon is a request on behalf of a slave.


Dr. Randy Carney said...


Hope to see you tonight.


sremery said...

Good Morning Guys
I enjoyed last nights meeting and I'm looking forward to starting on these courses. My book is "The Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching. I read a couple of chapters last night. I'll post on them later.

Dr. Randy Carney said...


Good to have you aboard.

We want to keep this as simple and easy as possible. We have three requirements:
(1) You need to interact with the materials provided for you five times a week. The ideal would be to watch a DVD each day or evening, and/or to read (or speed read using techniques we showed you at the monthly meeting) a portion of the desired reading materials, at least five days a week. However, if you desire to set aside three hours or more in a block at a time, you could manage this in two or three settings if desired.

(2) This requirement is even more important: We ask you to log on to this blog at least five times each week. Again, this would best be done over the course of five different days.

(3) You need to make 9 quality posts each week. Three of those will need to be comments about the DVD or reading material with which you are interacting that week. These will called initial posts. The other 6 quality posts can be in response to the initial posts started by others, or you can even post some more initial posts.

That's it. Work with your materials. Check this blog at least 5 times a week, and post 9 quality comments.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, if you haven't already done so, please go to the archives and click on the triangle for April. Then start at the bottom and read all the posts up to week 2.

This week will be an introductory week. I know you are anxious to get into the material. However, don't skip the introductory things of posting your introduction and getting used to the format. (You can look at our introductions for ideas.)

For the posts, you may start some on your book, but just do a few, and then comment on Tyler's material and his comments this week. You may ask him questions, and he may also ask questions to which we will respond. If you saw something in his earlier chapters you would like to comment on, you may do that too.

Looking forward to interacting with you.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Another thing we usually do during the introductory week is comment on each other's introductions. That way we will perhaps find some interestng things that we did not know about each other, and we may find some unexpected things that we have in common.

One thing I found out that Tyler and I had in common was the fact that he worked with my son, Rusty, at Crownline intil Rusty had to quit because his schedule for deputation was getting so heavy.

So, freel free to throw in any social comments or humorous comments. For you, the sky's the limit. You just need to have 9 posts (comments) that are at least three sentences long. Then we can have as many other long or short comments as we like.


sremery said...

Hello again! I hope this is where I can do my introduction. My name is Sean Emery. I was born in Marion,Il, lived in Scottsboro until the 6th grade, then we moved south of town about a mile west of Grange Hall. I lived there until I was 19. I joined the Air Force and was in for 7 years.

In that time I was able to see quite a bit of the western U.S. I was stationed in Las Vegas for 4 years. My job was Heavy Equipment/ Pavements, My unit was basically contractors for the Air Force so I was gone a lot doing projects on other bases. I then was stationed in S. Korea for a year (without my wife) and in retrospect I am very glad I was able to go. At the time I didnt like it too much. My 1st son was born while I was gone. I came home and was stationed in Spokane,Wa, where my 2nd son was born. My wife & I decided to go home so our boys would know their families and even though I miss the military sometimes, it was definetly the best choice.

I came home and drove a truck over the road for my father in law for 2 years, I moved in the office and my brother in law and I have dispatched the trucks for nearly 10 years together now.

After I was out of the truck for about a year I came to know the Lord. I cant explain the change in words but I know its real. It happened in 2001, I felt I was missing something. My dad spoke to me one night and I cant really say what he said, but I saw something in his...countenance..when he was telling about what God was doing in his life. I saw this in a few other people he was hanging out with. I wanted this peace,joy and contentment they seemed to have. I had grown up going to church, knew about Jesus, but didnt KNOW Him. I surrendered on the way home in my car on a Saturday night, the next morning I nailed it down at the alter at Grange Hall.

Since that time, I feel I've went through some fairly trying times. I'm thankful that I had God and his church in my life thru them. I answered the call to his ministry about a month ago. I'm ashamed to say that I feel that he's been calling me for a few years, but I would deny it or write it off as emotion. Most people that know me knows that I had a tumor removed from the base of my skull next to my brain stem. I'll post about it later sometime. I cant deny that because of that experience it has helped me to answer the call. Ultimately it has made realize what is truly important in life, and that you have to live NOW. My prayer is to be obedient and couragous for God. I love His Word and hope to grow in it.

Tyler Owens said...

I love to hear good testimony about what God is doing in other peoples lives. I know that He has blessed me more than I could ever imagine! Thank you, Sean, for the intro. I really look forward to having a friend that is just starting out like I am.


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter eighteen discusses the pastoral epistles. These are first and second Timothy and Titus. I like these three books because they talk so much about the responsibilities of being church leaders. As a minister, I find a lot of comfort and wisdom in these books. Second Timothy sounds like a letter of encouragement to a friend. Maybe Timothy was struggling and needed Paul's support. I am glad that we have support in our ministries.


Tyler Owens said...

Last night's preacher's meeting was very enjoyable. I really look forward to them. It is good to have men who have been in ministry for a long time to help us beginners along the way. I think that having mentors is very important in a young man's life. There are some things that we need help, guidance, and sometimes correction on. I thank everyone that goes to the meetings for being honest and straight-forward with us. We truly need the help that these mettings give us.


sremery said...

I enjoyed the meeting as well. Its good to know that we have leaders that are willing to meet and discuss the current events, church issues and their concern for them. I'm also glad that there are other new preachers to start out with, and I hope there will be more. Its comforting to know that God is still drawing people.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean - I enjoyed your testimony very much. The Lord has given each of us a life message. I pray the Lord will bless you in this new phase of your life as you enter into ministry in a new way. Your music ministry has been a blessing. Now, with your response to the call to preach, you will go to different areas of ministry.

I'm also excited about the book you are reading. The effectiveness of preaching comes from the Lord. Indeed it is by the foolishness of preaching that many are saved. (Notice that didn't say "foolish preaching" :)). While the Lord supplies the "unction," we can learn techniques that will help us to be better communicators. Then that process will help us in proclaiming the Word of God!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean - Do you have any hobbies, or sports, or things like hunting or fishing, or some things like that that help you when you need diversion or relaxation? I know that music can serve that purpose, but I guess it can become work too at certain times.

We had some friends staying at our house last week from Australia. The Steve Sauvageot family have been missionaries there for 16 years. While they were here, they got the use of a gym, and I went with them and played some basketball. I told my wife I had a successful game. I only made one or two baskets, but I didn't jam my thumbs, sprain my ankle, or hurt my knees. At my age, that was a successful game! - Randy


sremery said...

Good Morning Guys
My job takes a lot of time but not all of it. Music is a very important part of my life, It does many things for me (relaxes, encourages, and I actually feel like I'm praying to God while playing). I also enjoy going to the gym with my friends, and we also ride bikes at leat 3 times a week early in the morning, which I have grown to like more than the gym. I really never worked out until after my surgery. I do enjoy hunting and fishing, and my boys and I shoot skeet and bows, reading also is important to me. Other than reading the Bible, I usually am reading a book of some sort. I feel blessed as I write about the things God has allowed me to do and enjoy,and the people in my life.

sremery said...

The book I'm reading is very enjoyable and insightful. I picked it because being new to preaching, I want to be sure I'm being obedient to Gods will. I know in the times I have spoken, He's given me the words to speak, but I feel a different reponsibility now and so far this book is great in giving advice on keeping in Gods will.
Its seperated into 11 parts, with chapters in each one. I beleive its a total of 700 pages. Its going to be a challenge but I feel I'm up for it.
The 1st part is titled: The High Call Of Preaching; How can I be faithful to what God intends preaching to be and do. It has 14 chapters in this part.
I'm hoping to do a part each week. My next post will discuss what I've read to this point.

Tyler Owens said...

God is good! He has blessed my family so much. I used to feel like God did not love me or want me and I always seemed to blame Him when things were going wrong. After I got saved, I started to realize that God didn't ever give up on me. I realized that things begin to happen when we put our trust in the Lord.(Romans 8:28) I just wanted to give God a little praise in this post.


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter ninteen discusses the book of Hebrews. There is no claim to authorship to this epistle, but most scholars seem to think that it could have been written by Paul. I agree because the book sounds similar to a Pauline writing. The main focus of the book of Hebrews is the superiority of Jesus. The author talks about Jesus being our high priest. I think that the purpose of this book is to show that Jesus is the one who fulfills the old testament and that He did not dstroy it. The many references to the old law is what stands out for me to think that this is the purpose.


sremery said...

1st ch. "Convictions of Biblical Preaching"; Very good chapter: it reminds that the entire Bible is the Word of God. We must try to get the intent of the biblical author, and that the Bible is a book about God.

Ch 2. A definition of biblical preaching. One of the point in it that I liked is that it reminds us thru the story of Phillip and the Ethiopian that we need the Word explained to us.

Ch 3. A Weekly dose of compressed dignity. Its a short story about how a preachers sermon can be the only lift in a persons week.

Ch 4. Overfed, Underchallenged; talks about the need for a challenge for your congregation, but there's a line between over and under challenged.

Ch. 5 Theology of powerful preaching: Good chapter, it touches on our aim should be preach to please God, and that happens when your to true to scripture. Clarity is paramount, is how one paragragh reads.

Ch 6 Preaching that raises our sights. You must have confidence in Gods Word to change lives. It gives a great example of Paul in 2 Cor 2:17 saying we don't peddle the woed for profit, and in the Greek "peddle" was referred to a winemaker scamming people by watering down their wine.

Ch 7 Leading & Feeding: this chapter gives a story of a pastor who is in charge of a college preparing his students and faculty for stretching out and walking on faith to accomplish their growth in the school

This feels like I'm typing a novel, but I'm sure I'll get better at writing.


sremery said...

Hey Tyler, hope your day is going well. I like Hebrews as well. It has a favorite verse of mine " Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to day, and tomorrow."

sremery said...

I realized I wrote my verse wrong. "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever!" thats what I get for posting in a hurry

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hey guys,

Sorry I did not get to look more into the new platform. I may look at it some more before going to bed (then again, maybe not :))

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Wow, Sean, 11 paerts and 11 weeks. If the parts are about the same length, maybe you have it set up how to attack the whole book. I see that you have looked at half of the first part already. Just stick with part 1 for comments this week.

Oh, yes, our weeks run from 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday mornings and end at midnight on Monday nights.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, what is the statement of a definition of biblical preaching according to your book?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, can you give us a little more about the overfed and underchallenged? How can we keep that in balance?

Dr. Randy Carney said...


It always seems to me like Paul wrote Hebrews. At least in the English version, it reads like the rest of his writings.

Some think Barnabas may have been the author. Of course, we know tht what is there, style and all, is exactly what the Holy Spirit wants there.

I have a good friend who gives some good arguments for Barnabas being the author. Did the book mention any speculation by name for some others besides Paul?

sremery said...

CH 2 was a little longer that the rest of the chapters. The definition it gives is "To expound Scripture is to open up the inspired text with such faitfulness and sensitivity that God's voice is heard and his people obey Him."
This reminds me of something I read from Spurgeon that says "The ministry demands brain labor. The preacher must throw his thought into his teaching, and read and study to keep his mind in good trim. Above all, he must put heart work into his preaching. He must feel what he preaches. It must never be with him an easy thing to deliver a sermon. He must feel as if he could preach his very life away before the sermon is done."

I think our preaching will reflect our relationship with God.

Tyler Owens said...

The book does mention that Barnabas could be an author of Hebrews. It also states that some people think that Luke could be because of the polished Greek of the book. It doesn't really matter, though.
Sean- one of my very favorite vrses in the Bible id in Hebrews.
Try Hebrews 10:25. This is a direct command if you ask me.


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter twenty talks about the book of James. This is an interesting chapter because it talks about the many people who didn't even want it in the New Testament. Some folks don't like to be convicted and they tend to get angry at the messenger of their conviction. James is a book that teaches the way that a Christian should live. It is true that we should have works as a "by-product" of our faith. I guess that some people still think that God does not have a purpose for their life.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, thanks for the definition of preaching and the quote from Spurgeon.

Tyler, Hmmmm, Luke as a writer for Hebrews. Could be. Interesting.

I tried to download our new course platform today, but it is going to be more involved than I thought.

I will keep you posted.

We are getting some of that interaction "flavor" that comes with several of us discussing a topic.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Good. Now, Sean, can you give us a little more information about the "overfed" and "underchallenged?"

Both of you, how can we maintain a balance that will help with the overfed and underchallenged in our congregations?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Can you see how what both of you are studying would relate to what the other is studying? How will Tyler's studies benefit preaching? How will Sean's studies relate to Tyler's studies on the New Testament?

Tyler Owens said...

I'm not sure I understand the concept of overfed, I wouldn't think that people could actually get overfed with the Word of God. Maybe I am not understanding what you guys are describing exactly. As for underchallenged, we could easily get into a "rut" when it comes to church. It probably happens even more than we realize.


Tyler Owens said...

I think that Sean's study on preaching will help me to learn more about the work and responsibility of it. I do believe that the study that I am taking on the New Testament is going to be helpful in preaching because the book goes into detail about some of the backstory that went into the writng and also to what kinds of people the writers were writing to.


Dr. Randy Carney said...


You and I both are guessing at what "overfed" refers to. I'm sure we will get some further insight into this.


sremery said...

Good Afternoon
I'm sorry for not posting in a while, I've had a very busy weekend between the Relay for life and ballgames.
On the chapter on overfed and underchallenged, the author starts by saying the sermon should be challenging in terms of doing Gods will. It says Men don't rebel against the idea of God; men rebel against the will of God.
When it speaks of being overfed as a congregation, it uses the examble of being inoculated for small pox. It says that a presentation (sermon) that doesnt make people understand that they may have to have commitment or be shaken into doing something for God, then they may become immune to Gods will.
The section on overchallenged discusses how you can get too caught up in serving the congregation and not actually living life. I'm giving more of how I read it than quoting what it says. It ends by saying you cant challenge people or get them to God without prayer. I sing a song called Being in Love with You, the point of the song is that working for God can get in the way sometimes of just Being with God. Prayer is the best way of keeping your relationship God strong. Period.

sremery said...

Ch 8 John 3:16 in the key of C; Why true preachers are worship leaders. This chapter talks about preaching actually being recognized as worship. It starts by saying worship is revelation and response. It uses scripture from Isaiah when God reveals himself to him, his 1st response is "Woe is me", then to "Here I Am". It says true worship is rooted in Gods self-revelation, hence, the need for preaching.

I believe the author is right. Some times preaching is all that needs done in a worship sevice. Sometimes we never get past prayer requests and we pray most of the sevice. Sometimes we never get past the music. When EVERYONE comes expecting, the Spirit will be as spontaneous as God alwaqys seems to be. I love that in a service. I've noticed that some of our best services will happen on holiday weekends, I think its because we dont think about work, and we're more recptive to "Let go, and Let God."

It ends on the implications onpreaching in worship, its saying it should 1st be god centered, and that preaching should work in concert with the whole service. Ultimately I think its getting at being Spirit led.

Ch 9 Growing in your preaching; The call to preach demands our very best. This chapter talks about ways to sharpen your skills at preaching. I would say every preacher would want this. It gives tips by suggesting listening to other preachers, ask yourself why the introduction worked well, what was the structure of the sermon.

It also says to understand the urgency of the subject. Realizing that what is being preached is eternal choices. To be burdened by the issue and that will come across in the message.

It also brings up clarity in the sermon, to ask “what do I want them to know?” and “what do I want them to do?” I feel I have been guilty of straying from my point or actual speaking without a specific point, so this was helpful to me. It suggested having people to evaluate it for you and to spend time and prayer on your message.

sremery said...

I'm glad they put James in the Bible. Its one the books I'll find myself reading a lot. I like the way James doesnt beat around the bush on his points. He speaks with authority.
When I went thru my cancer situation, James' words about rejoicing in various trials spoke loudly to me. It just seems to go against what your flesh wants to do. I'll find myself being amazed how God thinks.

sremery said...

On you question on how can we maintain a balance. I beleieve that knowing the people in your congregation, more of a pastoral thing would be very helpful. When I think it through, I feel that Prayer is the esseintial key to keeping the balance. I always come back to that.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, what email address should i use to give you the running total for your grades?

