Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Blessing of Uprightness

Since we are studying the Old Testament and Hebrew poetry, I thought I would give you these thoughts from a section in Proverbs.

In Proverbs 11:1-7, we read of the blessing of uprightness. In order to fully comprehend this passage, we need to understand the three kinds of uprightness (uprightness and righteousness are used interchangeably here) that can be observed in society.

First of all, there is a general kind of uprightness that relates to having a good reputation. Somethimes those who are considered "good people" have a morality that matches Christian morality and Biblical principles. The problem with this kind of uprightness is that it can be colored by the relativism of society. This kind of uprightness can also match "political correctness" as well as Biblical morality. The problem with this is that "political correctness" is often (or at least sometimes) Biblically incorrect. Some examples would have to do with tolerance of abortion for any reason and promoting sexual behavior outside of marriage. Many today could be considered upright who are engaging in fornication and adultery. Society says living together and having sex outside of marriage is O.K. In addtion to that, political corectness would want us to condone homosexual behavior.

Secondly, there is an uprightness that strives to match the morality of the Bible, and this is done out of gratitude for what Jesus has done for us. The person exhibiting this kind of uprightness makes immediate changes in his (or her) life concerning little things, and he begins to exhibit "growth-type" changes in ideal things when he.

Thirdly, there is an uprightness that results when the righteousness of Christ is imputed to the believer when he or she puts personal faith in Him.

This chapter of Proverbs talks, perhaps, about all three kinds of uprightness, but I think it mainly describes the last two kinds.

What are the perils befalling those who are not upright? Their cheating is an abomination to the Lord. Their pride leads to shame. Their perversity will destroy them. Their riches will not profit in the day of wrath or at their final judgment. They will fall by their own wickedness. The unfaithful will be caught by the fear of their own lust. Their expectation and hope will perish.

What are the benefits of those who are upright? A just weight is their delight. A special measure of wisdom will come to the humble. Their integrity will guide them. Righteousness delivers from death. Righteousness will direct their way aright. Most of all, righteousness will deliver them: often in this life, and always in the next.

How do we get those second and third kinds of uprightness? We hear the Gospel and put out faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Then we continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hopefully, the person who begins to exhibit Christian maturity will discover his or her own personal SHAPE for ministry.

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