Monday, October 6, 2008

Old Covenant/New Covenant

Several questions have surfaced about the use of the Old Testament in ministry. We know that Paul, writing under the New Covenant, said that the things written under the Old Covenant were to be ensamples (examples for us).

The Old Covenant was done away according to the New Testament, but it was replaced with a "new and better covenant." As a result many of the principles that were stated in the Old Testament (Old Covenant) are restated in the New Testament (New Covenant). The book of Hebrews describes this relationship very well.

When the Old Covenant Law againt murder was done away with, the principle that you should not murder was reinstituted in the New Covenant, and it was made even stronger when Jesus said that if you have hatred in your heart, that is just as bad as murder!

Most of the principles behind the Old Testament laws, ordinances and statutes, are things that can be "written on our hearts"! Therefore, the Old Testament is very useful for us today. We see where those principles are restated and strengthened in the New Testament, and we have examples that are helpful to us for Christian living.

This is the end of week 2 since our course weeks run from Tuesday through Monday. Anyone wanting to sign up for this term should read the posts below, and then send an email to If you want to buy the book that Sean is studying this term, you can look to the left and scroll down to an option to buy it.

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