Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Week 4 Sean's Topics

Sean will put his intial posts here, and we will respond to them.


sremery said...

The title of my book is The Bible Jesus Read by Philip Yancey. This week is my final chapter; Advanced Echoes of a Final Answer. I have enjoyed this book, and think its a good choice for a study on the Old Testament. Going off of what Tyler has posted, I can see where this would compliment it.

sremery said...

Its tougher to have a alot to discuss on this chapter, its a little shorter and is a little bit of a summary. It talks about how the old testament tells of the messiah. How some Jewish people are still waiting, and we're waiting for Him to come back.

Tyler Owens said...

I think that most people had an image that they expected the Messiah to be. They thought that He would be a warrior and conquerer. He wasn't what they expected. What He did conquer was death, hell, and the grave!!!!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Since the chapter is a summary, what was one of the things that stood out to you as you went through the book?

sremery said...

The book does end by talking about the silence of God. How Malachi ends on an almost angry note. Then 400 years of nothing. Its hard for me to grasp 400 years. To me its a long time of silence.

sremery said...

THe author asks where is God now, and how thru most of the 1st part of the OT, God seems to be present. He does say that after the 400 years of silence, He comes back in a big way. Smething that to me is still awe insprirng, God becomes His creation, I hope I never become complacent to that.

sremery said...

He also talks about how the only prophecy in the NT is Revelation. Not exactly how the OT went but still leaves us waiting for God to come back again. Are we in a silent period? We can know God in a different way than the 400 silent years. Surely God was still known and talked about thru those 400 years. At one time I've watched a study on the sect that John the Baptist came from, it was a few years ago so I dont remember everything but I do remember that it gave me an impression that they were looked upon as somewhat radical. But they seemed to somewhat get the picture of what the OT was painting.

Tyler Owens said...

I heard a message on John the Baptist one time. The speaker said that John the Baptist was the last "Old Testament" prophet. I guess they were still living in the O.T. until Jesus was crucified and resurrected. This was the start of the New Covenant.